#!/usr/bin/perl goto library for study $math; BEGIN { s/earching/ books/ and read $them, $at, $the } library: our $topics, cos and tan, require strict; import { of, tied $patience }; do { int'egrate'; sub trade; }; do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' }; study and study and study and study; foreach $topic ({of, math}) { you, m/ay /go, to, limits } do { not qw/erk / unless $success and m/ove /o;$n and study }; do { int'egrate'; sub trade; }; do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' }; study and study and study and study; grep /all/, exp'onents' and cos'inuses'; /seek results/ for @all, log'4rithms'; 'you' =~ m/ay /go, not home unless each %book ne#ars $completion; do { int'egrate'; sub trade; }; do { exp'onentize' and abs'olutize' }; #at home: //ig,'nore', time and sleep $very =~ s/tr/on/g; __END__