JFarr has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Monks I have an odd problem. We are running dual core pentium 4's with hyper-threading enabled. The perl scripts that we have run threads or multiple threads. And run just fine with the hyper-threading enabled. We ran into a machine with hyper-threading DISABLED, and the scripts did not even get off the ground. We had our first print statement execute, then the threads went into lala land. The threads are created and join'd as follows:
foreach $host (@syshosts) { threads->new(\&locateSysHost_Parallel, $host); } (threads->list)[0]->join while threads->list;
When we changed the join to
foreach $host (@syshosts) { threads->new(\&locateSysHost_Parallel, $host)->join; }
the threads ran as we expected. Has anyone else had these weird issues occur?