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Re: Challenge: Twist On Bin Packing

by Limbic~Region (Chancellor)
on Apr 08, 2006 at 01:05 UTC ( [id://542000]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Challenge: Twist On Bin Packing

I have been unable to find anything other than a brute-force method that always produces a correct answer. Feel free to use this to bench any new ideas against but all the existing ones in this thread are wrong. Please let me know if you discover a short cut.

When I first started learning perl, tye told me I had to stop thinking that less lines of code meant faster code. I think I learned this lesson well as the following brute force method is pretty fast but is definately not succinct. If you are interested in knowing how it works - let me know

The module:

package Max::Bins; require List::Util; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(avail progressive); $VERSION = '0.01'; use strict; use warnings; my %sum_seen; sub sum { my $key = "@_"; return $sum_seen{$key} if exists $sum_seen{$key}; return $sum_seen{$key} = List::Util::sum(@_); } my %avail_seen; sub avail { my ($all, $max, @group) = @_; my $sum = sum(@group); return if $sum > $max; my $pick = "@group"; my $key = "$pick:@$all"; return @{$avail_seen{$key}} if exists $avail_seen{$key}; my %used; ++$used{$_} for @group; my @left = grep 0 > --$used{$_}, @$all; my $diff = $max - $sum; $avail_seen{$key} = [$pick, \@left]; return ($pick, \@left) if ! @left || $left[0] > $diff; $avail_seen{$key} = []; return; } sub progressive { my ($max, @list) = @_; if (@list == 1) { return sub { my $val = shift @list; return $val ? $val : (); }; } my $end = $#list; my @subset; my ($pos, $mode) = (-1, 1); my %seen; my $fetch = sub { if ( $seen{ "@list[ @subset ]" }++ ) { if ( $mode == 1 ) { push @subset, $pos + 1 .. $end; ++$mode; } return (); } my $sum = sum(@list[ @subset ]); return $sum > $max ? () : @list[ @subset ]; }; my %dispatch = ( 1 => sub { push @subset, ++$pos; ++$mode if $subset[ -1 ] == $end; return 1; }, 2 => sub { splice(@subset, $#subset - 1, 1); return $mode++; }, 3 => sub { return () if $subset[ 0 ] == $end; $pos = $subset[ -2 ] + 1; splice(@subset, $#subset - 1, 2, $pos); return $mode = 1; }, ); return sub { { return () if ! $dispatch{ $mode }->(); my @group = $fetch->() or redo; return @group; } }; } 'This statement is false';

The script set up with some sane defaults:

#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Max::Bins; my $max = $ARGV[0] || 30; my @can = sort {$a <=> $b} map {int(rand $max) + 1} 1 .. 10; my @work; my $next = progressive($max, @can); while (my @group = $next->()) { my ($pick, $left) = avail(\@can, $max, @group); next if ! $pick; push @work, {left => $left, depth => 1, path => $pick}; } my ($path, $water_mark) = ('', 1); while (@work) { my $choice = pop @work; my @can = @{$choice->{left}}; my $next = progressive($max, @can); while (my @group = $next->()) { my ($pick, $left) = avail(\@can, $max, @group); next if ! $pick; my $depth = $choice->{depth} + 1; my $way = $choice->{path} . ":$pick"; ($path, $water_mark) = ($way, $depth) if $depth > $water_mark; push @work, {left => $left, depth => $depth, path => $way} if +@$left + $depth > $water_mark; } } print $path;

Cheers - L~R

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