in reply to Extraction problem with Template::Extract

You'll need to version 0.40 for this to work:
use Template::Extract; my $template = <<'EOD'; [% FOR records %] [% ... %] OAMPG: [% oampg %] Extent ID [% extent_id %] on allocation page [% +alloc_pg =~ /(\d+)/%] [% END %] EOD my $doc = <<EOD; OAMPG: 600 Extent ID 608 on allocation page 512 OAMPG: 128 Extent ID 616 on allocation page 512 EOD use Data::Dump::Streamer; Dump(Template::Extract->new->extract($template, $doc));
I'm not sure what the exact problem is with Template::Extract but I suspect it is because it needs a trailing token for the match to halt.
