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Netbackup Utility

by JSchmitz (Canon)
on Mar 13, 2006 at 19:19 UTC ( [id://536349]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: utility
Author/Contact Info
Description: Front end for doing Netbackup tasks simply. They have an asci menu tool called bpadm but it's kind of a pain in the wazoo.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

+  ######
####### Quick script to do simple queries and kills of netbackup jobs 
+  ######
####### Checks for tapes, and Ejects tapes                            
+  ######

print "\n \n \n \nThis script will Do various tasks to make netbackup 
+life easier\n\n\n";
print "1)       This option will query the database for a selected job
print "2)       This option will kill an Active job by giving it the j
+ob id\n";
print "3)       This option will allow you to eject tapes from the sil
print "4)       Check Silo for tapes\n";
print "5)       Quick eject of tapes that are full\n";
print "6)       Quick eject of tapes that are full and Infinity expira
print "7)       Checks the scratch pool... for available media\n";
print "8)       Kickoff a backup by class.\n";
print "9)       Inventory New tapes in the Silo\n\n\n";
print "Choose between 1 - 9: ";
chomp($choosen = <STDIN>);

if($choosen == 1){
        print "What backup job are you looking for? \n";
        chomp($pid = <STDIN>);
        print "Is it Active or a Done job? (Act or Done): ";
        chomp($act = <STDIN>);

        if($act eq "Act"){
                #system("rm backup.state");
                system(" /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -r
+eport -format_file /home/schmijg/xbpmonrc > backup.state");
                system(" cat backup.state | grep $pid | grep Active > 
                system(" cat job.txt");
                print "\n if you would like to view it later type in..
+.. cat job.txt \n";
        }elsif($act eq "Done"){
                system(" /opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -r
+eport -format_file /home/schmijg/.xbpmonrc > backup.state");
                system(" cat backup.state | grep $pid | grep Done > jo
                print "\n type in.... cat job.txt \n";
                system("cat job.txt");
                print "\n if you would like to view it later type in..
+.. cat job.txt \n";
                 print "No other options avialiable \n\n";

}elsif($choosen == 2){
        print"What is the name of the process needed to be killed?\n";
        chomp($pid = <STDIN>);
        print "Killing pid $pid\n\n";
        system("/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -kill $pid"
}elsif($choosen == 3){
        print "\n \nWhat tape would you like to eject?   ";
        chomp($tapeid = <STDIN>);
        print "Ejecting tape please wait";
        system("vmchange -vh sapbu001 -mt dlt -res -rt none -rc1 0 -rc
+2 0 -e -sec 5 -m $tapeid");
        print "tape ejected";
}elsif($choosen == 4){
        print "\n \nEnter the tape number to check if it is in the sil
+o:   ";
        chomp($tapeid = <STDIN>);
        print "prossesing";
        system("vmquery -b -rn 0 | grep $tapeid");

}elsif($choosen == 5){
        print "\n\nHow many tapes would you like to eject?(no more the
+n 20)  ";
        chomp($ejectnu = <STDIN>);
        system("cat /var/tmp/full_tapes_in_robot.txt | grep -i full > 
        system("tail -$ejectnu full.txt \| awk \'\{print \$1\}\' > sel
+ected.txt ");
        system("cat selected.txt");
        print "Would you like to eject these tapes? (yes or no)\a  ";
        chomp($yes = <STDIN>);
                if( $yes eq "yes"){
                print "We Will be ejecting $ejectnu tapes";
                system("cat selected.txt | xargs -lt vmchange -vh sapb
+u001 -mt dlt -res -rt none -rc1 0 -rc2 0 -e -sec 5 -m ");
                print "\n Tapes have been ejected";
                        }elsif($yes eq "no"){

}elsif($choosen == 6){
        print "This will print out a list of tapes that you could ejec
+t that are full and expire infinity.\n\n";
        system("cat full_infinity_tapes_robot.txt | awk \'\{print \$1,
+ \$4, \$11, \$13 \}\'");
        print "\n\nHow many tapes would you like to eject?(no more the
+n 20)  ";
        chomp($ejectnu = <STDIN>);
        system("tail -$ejectnu full_infinity_tapes_robot.txt \| awk \'
+\{print \$1\}\' > selected.txt");
        system("cat selected.txt");
        print "Would you like to eject these tapes? (yes or no)\a  ";
        chomp($yes = <STDIN>);
                if( $yes eq "yes"){
                print "We Will be ejecting $ejectnu tapes";
                system("cat selected.txt | xargs -L1 -t vmchange -vh s
+apbu001 -mt dlt -res -rt none -rc1 0 -rc2 0 -e -sec 5 -m ");
                print "\n Tapes have been ejected";
                        }elsif($yes eq "no"){

}elsif($choosen == 7){

}elsif($choosen == 8){
        print "This will give you a list of backup classes\n\n";
        system("sleep 2");
        system("/opt/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpcllist -allclasses
+ \| grep -i class \| awk \'\{print \$1, \$2\}\'\n\n");
        print "which backup class would you like to do a manual backup
+ off?\n";
        chomp($class = <STDIN>);
        print "What is the client host that this class will be kicked 
+off on?\n";
        chomp($client_host = <STDIN>);
                print "Kicking of manual backup of $class on $client_h
+ost. \n";
                system("sleep 2");
                system("/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -c $class -i
+ -h $client_host -L /tmp/$client_host.out");
}elsif($choosen == 9){
        print "This will look for any new tapes added to the silo and 
+put it into netbackup control\n\n";
        print "What is the hostname for the Master Server?   ";
        print "\n Which media server would you like to do the inventor
+y?   ";
        print "\nBegining to Inventory Then New Tapes In the Silo";
        system("vmupdate -rn 0 -rt acs -M $mstr -use_barcode_rules -rh
+ $medsvr");
        system("sleep 3");
        print "No other options avialiable \n \n";
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Re: Netbackup Utility
by Anonymous Monk on May 11, 2011 at 19:18 UTC
    whats in your /home/schmijg/xbpmonrc file?

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