my $mf = $cgi->param('_mf_'); $mf =~ s/\.\/\\//g; # remove . \ / chars $mf ||= "default"; #### # smtp server SMTP_HOST=mail.yourhost SMTP_PORT=110 SMTP_TIMEOUT=60 # name form imputs which are lists (comma separated) # FORM_INPUT_LISTS= # recipient email # sender field required REQUIRE_SENDER=no # sender field (from html form) SENDER_FIELD=EMAIL # subject (could contain html::template variables!) SUBJECT=Contact From , # mail template (to the recipient) MAIL_TMPL=mail #------------- CONFIRM ------------ # sender template (optional) # mail to be sent to the sender CONFIRM_MAIL_TMPL=mail_confirm # subject of the confirmation email CONFIRM_SUBJECT=Thank you for your interest in ... # #------------- OK ----------------- # redirect when mail was sent ok # REDIRECT_OK=/thankyou.shtml # template to use on successful send # (overrides redirect_ok) # # TMPL_OK=