sub login{ print "Logging in to Yahoo..."; #set url to page requiring login and password my $url = ''; $mech->get( $url ) or die("Could not get $url\n"); #these two fields were specfic to the Yahoo login HTML field names #for login and password. $mech->field("login", 'my_username'); $mech->field("passwd", 'my_password'); $mech->click(); print "Done.\n"; }#sub login #### $mech->set_visible( "my_username", "my_password"); #### sub login{ print "Logging in to Yahoo..."; #set url to page requiring login and password my $url = ''; $mech->get( $url ) or die("Could not get $url\n"); #these two fields were specfic to the Yahoo login HTML field names #for login and password. $mech->set_visible( "my_username", "my_password"); $mech->click(); print "Done.\n"; }#sub login #### $mech->submit(); #### my $button = $mech->current_form()->find_input(undef, "submit"); $mech->click_button(input => $button)