bcdeery has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to pull the Ground Transit days off of the table at this URL: +oz=53213&oc=1&oh=ORD&dz=60056&dc=1&dt=1/9/2006&tt=1&hy=&zn=2&am=Y
but I either get nothing (with the code I have here) or I get the error "can't call method "rows" on an undefined value at line 224.
$url=" +Times"; $service = "Service"; $arrival = "Arrival Date and Time"; $transit = "Days in Transit*"; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->get($url); $frmSvcCalc = "frmSvcCalc"; $mech->form_name($frmSvcCalc); $mech->set_fields( txtOrgZip => "53213", txtDestZip => "60056", ); $mech->field( "hdnAction", "Calculate" ); $mech->submit($frmSvcCalc); my $results2 = $mech->content; print OUTFILE $results2; $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( headers => [qw($service $arrival $trans +it)] ); $te->parse($html_string); foreach $ts ($te->tables) { print "Table (", join(',', $ts->coords), "):\n"; foreach $row ($ts->rows) { print join(',', @$row), "\n"; } }
The other code that I try that gives me the error is:
my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( headers => [qw($service $arrival $tr +ansit)] ); $te->parse($html_string); foreach my $row ($te->rows) { foreach my $cell (@$row) { print $cell; } }
I've tried a few other ways, but I obviously don't & can't get it. I'm beggin for help, and so is my hair (or what's left of it).