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Re: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...

by TedPride (Priest)
on Dec 16, 2005 at 22:41 UTC ( [id://517392]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...

Thanks to Babelfish:

Eingeführter Anfänger Gehilfe Sexton Kirchendiener Schreiber Mönch Pilgrim Mönch Einsiedler Geistliches Diakon Kurat Priester Vicar Pastor Prior Monsignor Abt Canon Kanzler Bishop Erzbischof Hauptsächlich Salbei Heiliger Apostel Papst

Iniciado Principiante Acolyte Sexton Beadle Escribano Monk Peregrino Friar Ermitaño Capellán Diácono Curate Sacerdote Vicario Parson Anteriormente Monsignor Abad Canon Canciller Obispo Arzobispo Cardinal Sabio Santo Apostle Papa

And just for fun, French -
Initié Débutant Acolyte Sexton Huissier Pointe à tracer Moine Pélerin Moine Hermite Aumônier Diacre Curé Prêtre Curé Pasteur Antérieurement Monsignor Abbé Canon Chancelier Évêque Archevêque Cardinal Sauge Saint Apôtre Pape

I notice that Sexton and Monsignor don't seem to translate.

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Re^2: Translation of the Perlmonks levels ...
by salva (Canon) on Dec 16, 2005 at 23:05 UTC

    Iniciado Principiante Monaguillo Sacristan Beadle? Escribano Monje Peregrino Fraile Ermitaño Capellán Diácono Coadjutor Sacerdote Vicario Pastor Prior Monseñor Abad Canon Canciller Obispo Arzobispo Cardenal Sabio Santo Apostol Papa

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