#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Script using Expect to roll servers in PHX in # the pop in and out of the VIP use strict; use warnings; use Expect; # Setup our reusable varibles here ( host password etc ) my $telnet = '/bin/telnet'; my $host = "myhost.net"; my $passwd = "mypass"; my $timeout = '10'; my $infocmd = '/info/slb/dump'; my $rcmd = '/cfg/slb/real'; my $apply = 'apply'; my $save = 'save'; my $yes = 'y'; my $no = 'n'; my $exit = 'exit'; my $serverL = '/var/tmp/server_list_vip'; # interact a bit till I get the CGI wrapper figured out print "Welcome to the PHX vip roll-in/out script\n I will show you a list of servers you can roll in and out of the vip\n choose the correct number for the given server\n EXAMPLE: If you want to roll newsfe01 in/out in the list you will see\n 144: newsfe01, so the correct number is 144\n"; open(IN,"$serverL"); chomp(my @list = ); close(IN); foreach my $line(@list) { print "$line\n"; } print "Choose the server number now:\n"; chomp(my $number = ); print "What action do you want to take?\n Roll server into production = ena\n Roll server out of production = dis\n"; chomp(my $action = ); my $exp = Expect->spawn("$telnet $host") or die "Cannot spawn telnet to $host: $!\n";; my $spawn_ok; if($action =~ m/dis/) { my $func = 'dis'; $exp->expect($timeout, [qr'Enter password: $', sub{ $spawn_ok = 1; my $fh = shift; print $fh "$passwd\r"; #$fh->send("$passwd\n"); exp_continue;} ], [qr'>> Main- $', sub{ $spawn_ok = 1; my $fh = shift; print $fh "$rcmd $number/$func\r"; sleep 2; exp_continue; }],