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Re: how to pass hash to perl template toolkit

by johnnywang (Priest)
on Nov 05, 2005 at 20:48 UTC ( [id://506026]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to how to pass hash to perl template toolkit

you're missing one more indirection, your template will see the name "add" if you pass it in as {'add'=>\%foo}. The following runs fine and does the right thing:
use strict; use Template; my %add=( hsh1=>{ name=>"name1 ", type =>"text", default=>" ", value=>[" "], entries=>"M" }, hsh2=>{ name=>"name2 ", type=>"dropdown", req=>"prc", default=>" ", value=>["value1","value2","value3"], entries=>" " } ); my $template = Template->new(); $template->process(\*DATA,{'add'=>\%add},\*STDOUT) || die $template->error(); __DATA__ [% FOREACH element = add.keys %] [% IF add.$element.type == "text" %] <input type="text" name="[% add.$ %]" value="[% add.$e +lement.default %]"> [% ELSIF add.$element.type == "dropdown" %] <select name="[% add.$ %]"> [% FOREACH option = add.$element.value %] <option value="[% option %]"> [% option %] </option> [% END %] </select> [% END %] <br> [% # put a line break between the form elements %] [% END %]
__OUTPUT__ <select name="name2 "> <option value="value1"> value1 </option> <option value="value2"> value2 </option> <option value="value3"> value3 </option> </select> <br> <input type="text" name="name1 " value=" "> <br>

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Re^2: how to pass hash to perl template toolkit
by nikmit (Sexton) on Nov 28, 2015 at 09:12 UTC
    Ten years after the reply by johnnywang, I read it and found it rather useful... Prepending the variable name in add.$element.type with the dollar sign makes it work - in this piece of code and in mine. Yet according to the documentation it is ignored unless INTERPOLATE=1 is set, and the colour coding from vim-perl suggests the same.

    I doubt this is that badly documented, what am I missing? Why is the '$' sign vital in there when it (seemingly) shouldn't be?

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