in reply to Using multi-level hashes

Here is an example of an oop approach you may find useful.
package component; my %sc; sub new { bless { name => "$_[1]" }, 'component'; } sub name { $_[0]->{name}; } sub sc { $sc{$_[0]->name} = [] unless $sc{$_[0]->name}; push @{$sc{$_[0]->name}}, $_[1]; $_[0]{$_[1]} = new component($_[1]); }; sub label:lvalue { $_[0]->{lbl}; } sub subs { \@{$sc{$_[0]->name}}; } 1; package project; sub new { bless { }, 'project'; } sub components { my @c; @c = sort keys %{$_[0]}; \@c; } sub addcomponent { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = new component( $_[1] ); $_[0]->{$_[1]}; } sub show { my $proj = shift; foreach my $comp ( @{$proj->components} ){ print "$comp\n"; next unless $#{$proj->{$comp}->subs} > 0; foreach my $sc ( @{$proj->{$comp}->subs} ){ next unless $proj->{$comp}{$sc}; print "\t$sc\t" if $sc; print $proj->{$comp}{$sc}->label,"\n" if $proj->{$comp}{$sc}->label; } } } 1; use strict; my $proj = new project(); my $i = 0; while( <DATA> ){ $i++; chomp; next if $i == 1; my ($comp, $subcomp, $label ) = split /\t/, $_; my $sw = $proj->{$comp}; $sw = $proj->addcomponent( $comp ) unless $sw; my $sc = $sw->sc($subcomp); $sc->label = $label; } $proj->show; my $hw = join ', ', @{$proj->{Hardware}->subs}; print "Hardware subcomponents ( $hw )\n"; my $sw = $proj->{Software}; my $db = $sw->{Database}; my $label = $db->label; print "$sw->{name} $db->{name} $label\n"; __DATA__ COMPONENT SUBCOMPONENT LABEL Software Database Test-1.01 Software Good Languages Perl Software Sucky Languages Java Hardware Monitor 19" LCD Hardware CPU Pentium 2.4 Ghz
