I originally had this working in only 54 characters, but it seemed too obvious.  

It runs both in Linux ("perl <script>") and in Windows (but use a "cmd" shell so you can see the output).

$;='aq';$^X=~m;.+[/\\]([^\.]+);;`$1doc $1f$;4`=~m;"(.u.{22});;print$1, +$/
If you like the results, don't "peek" at how it's done yet ... try running it with the '4' changed to a '1', and it becomes all lowercase! ...
$;='aq';$^X=~m;.+[/\\]([^\.]+);;`$1doc $1f$;1`=~m;"(.u.{22});;print$1, +$/
Finally, change the string '"(.u.{22});' near the end of the line to 'th\.(.{17});m', and I think you'll truly be surprised:
$;='aq';$^X=~m;.+[/\\]([^\.]+);;`$1doc $1f$;1`=~m;th\.(.{17});m;print$ +1,$/

Update:  What am I thinking?!!  I forgot the most important person of all:

$;='aq';$^X=~m;.+[/\\]([^\.]+);;`$1doc $1f$;1`=~m;y (L.{9});m;print$1, +$/

Update:  ambrus pointed out that he had already created an obfuscation based on this method.  Sorry about that, ambrus!