Category: GUI programming
Author/Contact Info liverpole
Description: Years ago (before I started learning Perl), I created a "bouncing ball" program in C, which displayed balls which randomly bounced left or right each time they hit a "peg".  My brother, a 5th grade teacher, started using it to teach his class about probabilities and statistics, and was always amused that they found it hard to believe the outcome would always be the same -- a "bell-shaped" curve.  I just recently rewrote the code in Perl, which will let my brother demonstrate it for his classes using Windows (rather than be constrained by Linux).  It will run under both, but Linux requires that the Tk module be installed first, of course.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll be more than happy to explain.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#  Displays marbles dropping onto pegs, and bouncing either left or ri
#  at random, to create a bell-shaped curve.
#  September, 2005 -- by jcn
### Strict ###
use strict;
use warnings;
### User-defined ###
# Version
my $version = "v1.0  (050908 by jcn)";
# Canvas
my $cvcolor = 'peachpuff';  # Canvas background color
# Chute
my $chute_dx        = 32;   # Distance between chute 'posts'
my $chute_dy        = 12;   # Distance from top of chute to bottom
my $chute_width     = 4;    # Thickness of each chute 'post'
# Pegs
my $npegs           = 8;    # Number of rows of pegs
my $chute_peg_d     = 48;   # Distance from chute bottom to first peg 
my $peg_dx          = 32;   # Difference between any 2 cols of pegs
my $peg_dy          = 40;   # Difference between any 2 rows of pegs
my $peg_r           = 3;    # Radius of a single peg
# Bins
my $peg_bin_d       = 8;    # Distance from last peg bottom to bin top
my $bin_dy          = 128;  # Height of a single bin
my $bin_width       = 1;    # Thickness of each bin 'wall'

# Marbles
my $marble_r        = 12;   # Radius of a single marble
my $marble_delay    = 50;   # Speed of a marble
my $marble_latency  =  4;   # Number of ticks between marble drops
### Calculated variables ###
# Bins
my $nbins         = ($npegs + 1);
# Canvas dimensions
my $cw = 2 * $nbins * $peg_dx;
my $ch = $chute_dy+$chute_peg_d + ($npegs-1) * $peg_dy + $peg_bin_d + 
# Marbles
my $marble_x = $cw / 2;
my $marble_y = $marble_r;
# Bins
my $bin_x    = ($cw / 2) - ($peg_dx * ($npegs - 1));
my $bin_y    = $ch - $bin_dy;
my $bin_dx   = (2 * $peg_dx);
# Pegs
my $peg_x = int($cw / 2);
my $peg_y = $chute_dy + $chute_peg_d;

### Libraries ###
use Data::Dumper;
use Tk;
### Prototypes ###
sub create_gui();
sub init_velocity_vector();
sub update_bin_count($$);
sub fill_bin($$$);
### Globals ###
my $mw = 0;         # Main window object
my @bin_count;      # Bin statistics
my @bin_color;      # Color of each bin
my @bin_fill;       # Fill-color in bin
my @bin_text;       # Bin statistic text
my @vvector;        # Velocity vector
my $cv_marbles = 0; # Canvas object
my $nm_id = 0;      # ID of text for showing total marbles
### Main program ###

### Subroutines ###
### Marble object ###
    my $nmarbles = 0;       # Total marbles dropped
    my %marbles;            # Hash for holding individual marbles
    my $drop_ticks = $marble_latency;
    sub array_of_half_steps($$) {
        my ($ydist, $up_bounce) = @_;
        my @steps;
        while (1) {
            my $nexty = int($ydist / 2);
            last unless ($nexty > 1);
            if ($up_bounce) {
                push @steps, - $nexty;
            } else {
                unshift @steps, $nexty;
            $ydist -= $nexty;
        ($ydist > 0) and $steps[0] += $ydist;
        return \@steps;
    sub init_velocity_vector() {
        my @tmp0;
        my $marble_dy = $peg_y - $marble_y - $marble_r - $peg_r / 2;
        my $marble_dx = $peg_dx;
        my ($pxlist, $pylist, $pdown);
        $pylist = array_of_half_steps($marble_dy, 0);
        map { push @vvector, [ 0, $_ ] } (@$pylist);
        my $up_dy = int($marble_dy / 2);
        $pylist = array_of_half_steps($up_dy, 1);
        $pdown  = array_of_half_steps($up_dy + $marble_dy, 0);
        push @$pylist, @$pdown;
        my $nsteps = @$pylist;
        my $xinc = int($marble_dx / $nsteps);
        my $xextra = $marble_dx - ($nsteps * $xinc);
        for (my $i = 0; $i < $nsteps; $i++) {
            push @$pxlist, $xinc + (($xextra > 0)? 1: 0);
        for (my $j = 0; $j < $npegs; $j++) {
            push @vvector, 0;
            for (my $i = 0; $i < @$pylist; $i++) {
                my ($x, $y) = ($pxlist->[$i], $pylist->[$i]);
                push @vvector, [ $x, $y ];
        my $plast = $vvector[-1];
        my ($lastx, $lasty) = ($plast->[0], $plast->[1]);
        my $bottom_y = $peg_y + ($peg_dy * $npegs);
        while ($bottom_y - 2 * $marble_r < $ch) {
            push @vvector, [ 0, $lasty *= 2 ];
            $bottom_y += $lasty;
        push @vvector, 0;

    sub draw_marble($$$) {
        my ($x, $y, $c) = @_;
        my $ra = $marble_r;
        &draw_circle($x-$ra, $y-$ra, $x+$ra, $y+$ra, $c);
    sub new_marble($$$) {
        my ($x, $y, $color) = @_;
        my $idx = $nmarbles++;
        my $old_id = $nm_id;
        my $text = sprintf "Marbles:  %d", $nmarbles;
        $nm_id = $cv_marbles->createText(64, 10, -text => $text);
        $old_id and $cv_marbles->delete($old_id);
        my $id = draw_marble($x, $y, $color);
        my $pmarble = {
            'dir'      => 1,                # Bounce direction (-1 or 
            'idx'      => $idx,             # Index of this marble
            'id'       => $id,              # This marble's id in the 
            'nticks'   => 0,                # Number of total ticks
            'nbounces' => 0,                # Number of bounces (on pe
            'nleft'    => 0,                # Number of left-bounces
            'color'    => $color,           # Marble color
    sub random_color() {
        my $r = int rand 256;
        my $g = int rand 256;
        my $b = int rand 256;
        my $color = sprintf "#%02x%02x%02x", $r, $g, $b;
    sub drop_marble() {
        my $mx = $marble_x;
        my $my = $marble_y;
        my $c = random_color;
        my $pm = new_marble($mx, $my, $c);
        $marbles{$pm->{'idx'}} = $pm;

    sub move_marble($$$) {
        my ($id, $deltax, $deltay) = @_;
        $cv_marbles->move($id, $deltax, $deltay);
    sub manage_this_marble($) {
        my ($pm) = @_;
        my $idx = $pm->{'idx'};
        my $id = $pm->{'id'};
        my $nticks = $pm->{'nticks'}++;
        my $pvec = $vvector[$nticks];
        if (!$pvec) {
            (++$pm->{'nbounces'} > $npegs) and return 0;
            $pm->{'dir'} = (0 == (int(rand(9999)) % 2))? -1: 1;
            ($pm->{'dir'} < 0) and $pm->{'nleft'}++;
            $nticks = $pm->{'nticks'}++;
            $pvec = $vvector[$nticks];
        my $dir = $pm->{'dir'};
        my ($dx, $dy) = ($dir * $pvec->[0], $pvec->[1]);
        &move_marble($id, $dx, $dy);
        return 1;
    sub manage_marbles() {
        my @marbles = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %marbles;
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @marbles; $i++) {
            my $idx = $marbles[$i];
            my $pm = $marbles{$idx};
            if (!manage_this_marble($pm)) {
                my $bin_idx = $npegs - $pm->{'nleft'};
                my $count = ++$bin_count[$bin_idx];
                update_bin_count($bin_idx, $count);
                if ($count < $bin_dy) {
                    fill_bin($bin_idx, $count, $pm->{'color'});
                } else {
                    for (my $i = 0; $i < $nbins; $i++) {
                        $bin_count[$i] /= 2;
                        fill_bin($i, $bin_count[$i], $bin_color[$i]);
                delete $marbles{$idx};
    sub time_passes() {
        if (++$drop_ticks >= $marble_latency) {
            $drop_ticks = 0;
### GUI object ###
    my $stats_cv = 0;   # Statistics canvas
    sub draw_circle($$$$$) {
        my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $color) = @_;
        $cv_marbles->createOval($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, -fill => $color);
    sub draw_peg($$) {
        my ($x, $y) = @_;
        my $ra = $peg_r;
        my @opts = (-fill => 'black');
        $cv_marbles->createOval($x-$ra, $y-$ra, $x+$ra, $y+$ra, @opts)
    sub draw_pegs() {
        my $n_pegs_in_row = 1;
        my $x0 = $peg_x;
        my $y0 = $peg_y;
        for (my $i = 0; $i < $npegs; $i++) {
            my ($x1, $y1) = ($x0, $y0);
            for (my $n = 0; $n < $n_pegs_in_row; $n++) {
                draw_peg($x1, $y1);
                $x1 += 2 * $peg_dx;
            $y0 += $peg_dy;
            $x0 -= $peg_dx;
    sub draw_chute() {
        my ($x0, $x1) = (($cw - $chute_dx) / 2, ($cw + $chute_dx) / 2)
        my ($y0, $y1) = (0, $chute_dy);
        $cv_marbles->createLine($x0, $y0, $x0, $y1, -width => $chute_w
        $cv_marbles->createLine($x1, $y0, $x1, $y1, -width => $chute_w
    sub fill_bin($$$) {
        my ($idx, $count, $color) = @_;
        my $old_idx = $bin_fill[$idx];
        my $x0 = $idx * $bin_x + 1;
        my $x1 = $x0 + $bin_x - 2;
        my $y0 = $ch - $count;
        my $y1 = $ch;
        my @opts = (-fill => $color);
        my $id = $cv_marbles->createRectangle($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, @opt
        $bin_fill[$idx] = $id;
        $bin_color[$idx] = $color;
        $old_idx and $cv_marbles->delete($old_idx);

    sub update_bin_count($$) {
        my ($idx, $count) = @_;
        my $old_idx = $bin_text[$idx];
        my $text = sprintf "%d", $count;
        my $x = ($idx + 1) * $bin_x - 32;
        $bin_text[$idx] = $stats_cv->createText($x, 10, -text => $text
        $old_idx and $stats_cv->delete($old_idx);
    sub draw_bins() {
        my ($x0, $y0, $y1) = ($bin_x, $bin_y, $ch);
        for (my $i = 0; $i < $nbins; $i++) {
            $cv_marbles->createLine($x0, $y0, $x0, $y1, -width => $bin
            $x0 += $bin_dx;
            $bin_count[$i] = 0;
            $bin_text[$i] = 0;
            $bin_fill[$i] = 0;
            update_bin_count($i, 0);
    sub draw_framework() {

    sub create_gui() {
        $mw = new MainWindow(-title => "Marbles  $version");
        $mw->minsize($cw, 50 + $ch);
        $mw->maxsize($cw, 50 + $ch);
        my $f0 = $mw->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
        my $f1 = $f0->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
        my $f2 = $f0->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
        my $f3 = $f0->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
        my $b1 = $f1->Button(-text => 'Exit (esc)', -bg => 'green');
        $b1->configure(-command => sub { exit });
        $b1->pack(-side => 'right');
        $mw->bind("<Escape>", sub { $b1->invoke });
        my @opts = (-height => $ch, -bg => $cvcolor);
        $cv_marbles = $f2->Canvas(-width => $cw, @opts);
        $stats_cv = $f3->Canvas(-bg => $cvcolor);
        $stats_cv->pack(-fill => 'x');
        $mw->repeat($marble_delay, \&time_passes);