use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw( :config gnu_compat no_ignore_case no_debug ) ; my %opt = ( 'clobber' => 0 , 'backup-suffix' => '--OLD' , 'text' => 'lc $_[0]' , 'url' => undef ) ; my @files = handle_options(); # Compile code strings. foreach my $c qw(text url) { next unless $opt{$c}; $opt{$c} = eval "sub { $opt{$c} }"; } # Use the File::Temp in non-OO mode to get both the filename & the # filehandle; OO mode can return only the filename. use File::Temp qw( tempfile ); use File::Copy; use HTML::TreeBuilder; foreach my $f ( @files ) { my $message = sanity_check($f); if ( $message ) { warn $message; next; } my $tree = make_html_tree($f); # Make changes. foreach my $node ( $tree->look_down('_tag' , 'a') ) { # Change link text. if ( ref $opt{'text'} && scalar $node->content_refs_list) { foreach my $text ( $node->content_refs_list ) { next if ref $$text; $$text = $opt{'text'}->($$text); } } # Change link URL. my $url = $node->attr('href'); $node->attr( 'href' , $opt{'url'}->($url) ) if ref $opt{'url'} && $url ; } # Save changes. my ($fh , $new_name) = open_new_file($f); print $fh $tree->as_HTML; $tree = $tree->delete; close $fh or die "Could not close $new_name\n"; } exit; # Given a file name, returns the HTML::TreeBuilder object. sub make_html_tree { my ($file) = @_; my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new; $tree->warn(1); # Configure parsing. $tree->no_space_compacting(1); $tree->ignore_ignorable_whitespace(0); $tree->ignore_unknown(0); $tree->store_comments(1); $tree->store_declarations(1); $tree->store_pis(1); # $tree->parse_file($file); $tree->eof; $tree->elementify; return $tree; } # Given a file name, checks if it is plain readable file and if clobbering # specified if it is writable too. Returns undef if sanity is ok. sub sanity_check { my ($f) = @_; stat $f; return !( -f _ && -r _ ) ? "'$f' skipped, either it is not a plain file or is unreadable\n" : $opt{'clobber'} && ! -w _ ? "'$f' skipped, clobbering specified but file is not writable\n" : undef; } # Returns file handle (to a new file) and optionally a file name. sub open_new_file { my ($old) = @_; my @open = $opt{'clobber'} ? tempfile() : backup_and_open($old); # Return file handle in scalar context. return wantarray ? @open : $open[0]; } # Copies the given file to backup; opens the copy and returns the file handle # and the given file name (to be consistent w/ File::Temp::tempfile()). { my $FH; sub backup_and_open { my ($old) = @_; my $backup = $old . $opt{'backup-suffix'}; copy $old , $backup or die "Could not make backup: $!"; open $FH, '>' , $old or die "Could not open '$old' to write: $!"; return ($FH , $old); } } # Handle options. sub handle_options { GetOptions ( 'help|usage' => \$opt{'usage'} , 'no-clobber' => \$opt{'clobber'} , 'clobber' => \$opt{'clobber'} , 'i|suffix' => \$opt{'backup-suffix'} , 'text=s' => \$opt{'text'} , 'url=s' => \$opt{'url'} ) or die 'Wrong option(s) given' , options_doc(); if ( $opt{'usage'} ) { print "$0 [options] file [file file ...]\n" , options_doc(); exit 0; } die "Give at least one HTML file to work with.\n" unless scalar @ARGV; # Files to work on. return @ARGV; } # Document the options. sub options_doc { return <<_USAGE_; Options are ... -help Show this message. File Output: -no-clobber Save the original files as a backups. (Default) -clobber Overwrite the given files. This overrides the -no-clobber option. -suffix Text to append at the end of backup. (Default is '--OLD'.) Code (given as a string which is run inside a sub{}; last value returned from the sub is used as then new value for text or URL): -text Code to run over text of each link. (Default is to lowercase the text.) -url Code to run over url of each link. (Default is nothing to do.) _USAGE_ }