I had a news article in my brain but now it is gone. I'll update this post when it pops back in my brain.

I'm sorry, but I just asked my girlfriend to marry me earlier today and my brain is now gone. I do promise to update this node with appropriate perl news in a day or so. Right now is too much to think.


#!/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Proposal_class; my $gf_name = "Rebecca"; my $proposal = $Proposal_class->new(); $proposal->purchase_ring(-max => 2500, -options => [ 'gold band', 'med +ium rock' ] ); $proposal->hide_ring(-where => 'box of chocolates'); $proposal->dinner(-where => 'future inlaws place', -what => 'sloppy jo +es'); $proposal->bending_of_knee(-who => 'girlfriend with flu', -where => 'l +iving room'); $proposal->ask($gf_name . ", will you marry me?"); $prososal->end;

Jason L. Froebe

Team Sybase member

No one has seen what you have seen, and until that happens, we're all going to think that you're nuts. - Jack O'Neil, Stargate SG-1