10389! 4570! 44289! 11800! ------------------------------ 56089! 989! 9400! 43300! 2400! #### 8.070604647867604097576877675243109941805e-7030 8.070604647867604097576877675243109941729476950993498765160880e-7030 #### #!/your/perl/here use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark; use Math::Big::Factors; my $ORDER = 5; # preserve this many significant digits Math::BigFloat->accuracy(40); my $ONE = Math::BigFloat->new(1); my $t0 = new Benchmark; my @num = ( 10389, 45700, 44289, 11800 ); my @den = ( 56089, 989, 9400, 43300, 2400 ); my $t1 = new Benchmark; time_delta("startup", $t1, $t0); # expand terms my (@num_fac, @den_fac); foreach my $n ( @num ) { push @num_fac, 2..$n; } foreach my $n ( @den ) { push @den_fac, 2..$n; } my $t2 = new Benchmark; time_delta("expand", $t2, $t1); my $quotient = cancel_quotient( \@num_fac, \@den_fac ); my $t3 = new Benchmark; time_delta("cancel_quotient", $t3, $t2); warn "factoring ", scalar keys %{$quotient}, " terms\n"; my $factors = prime_factor_hash( $quotient ); my $t4 = new Benchmark; time_delta("prime_factor_hash", $t4, $t3); # evaluate terms my $q = $ONE->copy(); #print "Factors\n"; foreach my $t ( sort { $factors->{$b} <=> $factors->{$a} } keys %{$factors} ) { my $bft = $ONE->copy()->bmul($t)->bpow($factors->{$t}); $q->bmul($bft); # print "$t**$factors->{$t}: $q\n"; } print $q->bsstr(), "\n"; my $t5 = new Benchmark; time_delta("multiply", $t5, $t4 ); time_delta("All", $t5, $t0 ); exit; ######################################## # cancel like terms between 2 arrays # similar to unique array element sub cancel_quotient { my $num = shift; my $den = shift; my %quotient; # determine the residual terms after cancelling # positive terms are in numerator # negative terms are in denominator # zero terms are filtered foreach my $n ( @{$num} ) { $quotient{$n}++; } foreach my $n ( @{$den} ) { $quotient{$n}--; } foreach my $n ( keys %quotient ) { delete $quotient{$n} unless $quotient{$n}; } return \%quotient; } ####################################### # factor keys of hash, and duplicate "value" times sub prime_factor_hash { my $quotient = shift; my %factors; foreach my $n ( keys %{$quotient} ) { my @factors = Math::Big::Factors::factors_wheel($n,$ORDER); foreach my $f ( @factors ) { $factors{$f} += $quotient->{$n}; } } return \%factors; } ########################################### # nice benchmark timestamp printer sub time_delta { print +shift, ": ", timestr(timediff(@_)), "\n"; } #### foreach my $t ( keys %{$factors} ) { my $bft = $ONE->copy()->bmul($t)->bpow($factors->{$t}); $q->bmul($bft); } #### my $s = '$q'; foreach my $t ( keys %{$factors} ) { next if ( $factors->{$t} == 0 ); if ( $factors->{$t} > 0 ) { $s .= "->bmul($t)" x $factors->{$t}; } else { $s .= "->bdiv($t)" x abs($factors->{$t}); } } eval $s; die "Error on eval: $@" if $@;