use Tk; #### use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Tk; my $VERSION='1.00'; =pod =head1 NAME [ ] =head1 DESCRIPTION There was an "advanced perl programming" weekly contest awhile back( now defunct I think". One I entered was a roller coaster simulation. The original contest had various *.rc files to make any kind of coaster track design. I just included a nice one in DATA, to make the script self-contained. This approach is a very simple method to simulate the roller-coaster motion. I didn't waste any time on actually computing the velocities or positions, rather I relied on the Law of Conservation of Energy, which says that the sum of the Kinetic and Potential Energies will remain constant. The initial total energy is the potential energy at the highest point, and that is released into kinetic energy( i.e. velocity) as the coaster drops. So as the coaster drops, it's KE increases, and as the coaster climbs it's KE decreases, and stalls if it climbs past it's start height. I figured this was the best approach, since we don't have an actual equation to differentiate to get the instantaneous values. So this is not mathematically exact, it ignores the constants in favor of better animation. After all, it's just a visual simulation, =head2 OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS (-)-h(elp) Help: shows these options (-)-m(an) man : shows this pod (-)-v(ersion) print Modules, Perl, OS, Program info =item B<--version o -v> Prints module && script versions =item B Man: shows these options =item B Help: shows this pod =back =head1 SYNOPSIS Roller Coaster =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES fun =head1 OSNAMES any =head1 AUTHOR zentara # << >> ~ Aug 09, 2005 at 15:03 ART (#482340)~ =cut my ($opt_help, $opt_man, $opt_versions); GetOptions( ## EXPECTED GETOPT: ! JUST MENTION THE WORD 'help!' => \$opt_help, 'man!' => \$opt_man, 'versions!' => \$opt_versions, ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 1 ) && exit; ## EXIT WITH SOME INFO pod2usage(-verbose => 1) && exit if defined $opt_help; pod2usage(-verbose => 2) && exit if defined $opt_man; if(defined $opt_versions) { print "\nModules, Perl, OS, Program info:\n", " Pod::Usage $Pod::Usage::VERSION\n", " Getopt::Long $Getopt::Long::VERSION\n", " strict $strict::VERSION\n", " Perl $]\n", " OS $^O\n", " $VERSION\n", " $0\n", "\n\n"; exit; }