#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use XML::RSS; use Tk; # by zentara@zentara.net August 7, 2005 # Please see BBC terms of use for their content at # http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/help/rss/4498287.stm # Simple to use. # At launch it will receive the "front_page" channel. # Right-Mouse-Click will let you select another channel. # Left-Mouse-Click will launch the link associated with # the scrolling text item clicked. ( I have it set to launch # mozilla, so you may need to adjust the launch command # for your browser. ##################################################################### # Declare variables #http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition/front_page/rss.xml my $baseurl = 'http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition'; my @channels = qw(front_page africa americas asia-pacific business/e-commerce business/economy business entertainment europe health/medical_notes health middle_east science/nature south_asia talking_point technology in_depth week_at-a-glance); #make helper thread my %thread; share $thread{'go'}; share $thread{'die'}; share $thread{'get_channel'}; foreach my $ch(@channels){ share $thread{$ch} } #return xml $thread{'go'} = 0; $thread{'die'} = 0; $thread{'url'} = ''; my $thread = threads->new( \&work ); #make thread my $content; my $file; my %bbc; my @queue=(); my @chans_sel=(); my %timer; #set default channel my $default_channel = 'front_page'; my $tl; #toplevel for selecting channels # create new instance of XML::RSS my $rss = new XML::RSS; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw->geometry('600x40+30+30'); #$mw->overrideredirect(1); $mw->fontCreate('big', -family=>'arial', -weight=>'bold', -size=>int(-18*18/14)); $mw->title("BBC World News -- Right Click Select Channel"); my $can = $mw->Canvas( -background => 'black', -relief => 'raised' )->pack(-fill=>'both',-expand=> 1); my $headertext = "............BBC World News (C)......Loading.........."; my $ctexth = $can->createText( 50 ,20 , -text => "$headertext", -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'hotpink', -font => 'big', ); # a tandem pair of text widgets for continuous flow my $ctext = $can->createText( 600 ,20 , -text => '', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'hotpink', -font => 'big', ); my $ctext1 = $can->createText( 600 ,20 , -text => '', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'hotpink', -font => 'big', ); my $ctexth_go = 0; my $ctext_go = 0; #not moving yet my $ctext1_go = 0; #not moving yet my $mtimer1 = Tk::After->new($can, 10, 'repeat', \&move,-1 ); get_feed($default_channel); $mw->bind('', \&select_chan); $mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => \&clean_exit); $mw->bind('', \&launch_link); setup_selector(); MainLoop; ############################################################### sub clean_exit{ $thread{'die'} = 1; $thread->join; exit; } ########################################################## sub move { my $dx = shift; if( (defined $ctexth) && ($ctexth_go == 1 )){ $can->move($ctexth,$dx,0); my ($x,$y,$x1,$y1) = $can->bbox($ctexth); if( $x1 < 0){ $can->delete($ctexth); undef $ctexth; } } if( $ctext_go ){ $can->move($ctext,$dx,0); my ($x,$y,$x1,$y1) = $can->bbox($ctext); # print "$x1\n"; if( ($x1 < 580) && ($x1 > 0) && ($ctext1_go == 0) ){ #setup next text block push (@queue,shift(@queue)); #shift @queue; $can->itemconfigure($ctext1,-text=> $queue[0]); $ctext1_go = 1; } if($x1 < 0){ #setup for next run in rotation $ctext_go = 0; $can->coords($ctext,600,20); } } if( $ctext1_go ){ $can->move($ctext1,$dx,0); my ($x,$y,$x1,$y1) = $can->bbox($ctext1); if( ($x1 < 580) && ($x1 > 0) && ($ctext_go == 0) ){ #setup next text block push (@queue,shift(@queue)); #shift @queue; $can->itemconfigure($ctext,-text=> $queue[0]); $ctext_go = 1; } if($x1 < 0){ #setup for next run in rotation $ctext1_go = 0; $can->coords($ctext1,600,20); } } } #################################################################### sub get_feed{ my $channel = shift; $thread{'get_channel'} = $channel; $thread{'go'} = 1; $timer{$channel} = $mw->repeat(10,sub{ if( $thread{'go'} == 0 ){ $timer{$channel}->cancel; &convert2hash($channel); } }); } ######################################################################### sub convert2hash { my ($channel) = @_; if (! defined $thread{$channel} ){ &send_message( "$channel channel currently unavailable"); return; }else{ $rss->parse( $thread{$channel} )} # hashify the channel items foreach my $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) { next unless defined($item->{'title'}) && defined($item->{'link'}); $bbc{ $channel }{ $item->{'title'} }{'desc'} = $item->{'description'}; $bbc{ $channel }{ $item->{'title'} }{'link'} = $item->{'link'}; } # my %chan_current = %{$bbc{$channel}}; # foreach my $key(keys %chan_current ){ # print "$key\n$chan_current{$key}{'desc'}\n$chan_current{$key}{'link'}\n\n"; # } my %chan_current = %{$bbc{$channel}}; foreach my $key ( keys %chan_current){ if( defined $chan_current{$key}{'desc'} ){ push @queue, "...$key --> $chan_current{$key}{'desc'}...BBC.$channel.||||||||"; } } #print "@queue\n\n\n\n"; #only run when nothing is scrolling if(($ctext_go == 0)&&($ctext1_go == 0)){ #remove any loading message $can->delete( $can->find( 'withtag', 'message' ) ); #start the display scrolling $can->itemconfigure($ctext,-text=> $queue[0]); $ctexth_go = 1; #move out the header $ctext_go = 1; } } ########################################################################### sub setup_selector{ #setup channel selector $tl = $mw->Toplevel(-bg=>'lightsteelblue'); $tl->overrideredirect(1); $tl->withdraw; $tl->title("Channels"); #Create the listbox and insert the list of choices in to it my $lb = $tl->Scrolled("Listbox", -scrollbars => "osoe", -height => 20, -width => 35, -selectmode => 'single', -background => 'white', -selectbackground => 'YELLOW', -selectforeground => 'black', )->pack(); foreach my $ch(@channels){ $lb->insert("end", $ch); } $tl->Button(-text => "Ok", -command => sub { my @chan = $lb->curselection(); foreach my $ch(@chan){ push @chans_sel,$lb->get($ch); } @queue = (); $ctext_go = 0; $ctext1_go = 0; $can->itemconfigure($ctext,-text =>'',-tags=>[]); $can->itemconfigure($ctext1,-text =>'',-tags=>[]); $can->coords($ctext,600,20); $can->coords($ctext1,600,20); $can->createText(300,20, -text=> 'Loading', -fill=> 'green', -font => 'big', -tags=> ['message'], ); $can->update; foreach my $ch(@chans_sel){ get_feed($ch) } $tl->withdraw; })->pack; } ########################################################################### sub select_chan{ CenterWindow($tl,225,400); @chans_sel =(); $tl->deiconify; $tl->raise; } ######################################################################## sub CenterWindow { my($window, $width, $height) = @_; $window->idletasks; $width = $window->reqwidth unless $width; $height = $window->reqheight unless $height; my $x = int(($window->screenwidth / 2) - ($width / 2)); my $y = int(($window->screenheight / 2) - ($height / 2)); $window->geometry("=${width}x${height}+${x}+${y}"); } ########################################################################### sub send_message{ my $message = shift; $mw->messageBox( -background => 'lightyellow', -icon => 'error', -message => $message, -type => 'OK' ); } ######################################################################### sub launch_link{ my $obj = $can->find('withtag','current'); my $textin = $can->itemcget( 'current', -text ); my ($key,undef,$channel) = ($textin) =~ /^\.\.\.(.*) --> (.*)\.\.\.\.BBC\.(.*)\.\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|$/; #print "$channel\n$key\n\n"; my $linkurl = $bbc{$channel}{$key}{'link'}; my $command = "mozilla -remote \"openURL($linkurl)\""; if(fork() == 0){ exec ($command) } } ######################################################################## sub work{ use LWP::Simple; $|++; while(1){ if($thread{'die'} == 1){goto END } if ( $thread{'go'} == 1 ){ my $channel = $thread{'get_channel'}; my $url = "$baseurl/$channel/rss.xml"; $thread{ $channel } = get( $url ); $thread{'go'} = 0; #turn off self before returning }else { sleep 1 } } END: } ################################################## __END__