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Re^2: I never use the debugger.

by runrig (Abbot)
on Jul 27, 2005 at 16:39 UTC ( [id://478674]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: I never use the debugger.
in thread I never use the debugger.

Assuming you structure your program well and test properly at each stage,...

...and assuming that you wrote the !*#$$^!! code in the first place.

It's the stupid programmers who need advanced debugging tools,

I don't mind when people say "I never use the debugger...I just use print statements", that's fine if you never get into the situation where a debugger would tell you what you need to know without adding a single print statement, in fact, I just add print statements most of the time. But to call programmers stupid for using a debugger, is, well, stupid. At a previous job in a non-perl environment, I found it was the stupid programmers who didn't know how to use a debugger and spent days looking for a problem that I tracked down in a couple of hours with a debugger. When I was playing with AI::Prolog, I'd see code like $object->$method, and the easiest way to trace it was to fire up ptkdb and just step through that line of code. If you have the luxury of only ever working on your own code, then good for you, but don't go insulting those of us who don't.

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