Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info X-3mE'89 - website: - mailto: exxtreme aT altervista DoT org
Description: It's been a while since my last post. Anyway, here comes a nice ascii-art drawing program, but it *works only under xterm* because it uses xterm's DEC private mode attribs. It uses Term:: and escape sequences for the "gui".
Enjoy and let me know if you like it :)
# -*- perl -*- (this line is for emacs)
# Pikture
# Xterm/Ascii art drawing program
# Written by X-3mE'89 -
# Released under GNU GPL terms
# Big thanks to Alessandro Rubini, author of GPM,
# that inspired this code

use strict;
use warnings;

use Term::ReadKey;
use Term::Size;
use Term::ReadLine;

# Escape sequences for Xterm mouse handling
# (DEC private mode set/reset)

my $Dec_Pvt_Mode_Set = "h";         # DEC private mode set
my $Dec_Pvt_Mode_Reset = "l";       # DEC private mode unset

my $VT200_Mouse = "1000";           # DEC pvt mode for VT200 mouse
my $VT200_HighLight_Mouse = "1001"; # DEC pvt mode for VT200 hilite mo
my $Btn_Event_Mouse = "1002";       # DEC pvt mode: detect button even
my $Any_Event_Mouse = "1003";       # DEC pvt mode: detect any mouse e

my %MouseState;
$MouseState{'x'}      = 0;          # mouse X
$MouseState{'y'}      = 0;          # mouse Y
$MouseState{'mod'}    = 0;          # mode (pressed/released)
$MouseState{'btn'}    = 0;          # button
$MouseState{'wheel'}  = 0;          # was wheel moved?
$MouseState{'moving'} = 0;          # detect mouse motion

my $PenChar = '+';

my $Columns = 0;
my $Lines = 0;
my @Screen = undef;

# Raw mode. I chose to put this in a variable for debugging.
my $Read_Mode = 4;

# DecSet
# Accepts a list of modes and prints escape sequences that set the
# associate DEC private mode

sub DecSet
    my $what = shift;
    print "\e[?".$what.$Dec_Pvt_Mode_Set;

# DecUnset
# Accepts a list of modes and prints escape sequences that reset the
# associate DEC private mode

sub DecUnset
    my $what = shift;
    print "\e[?".$what.$Dec_Pvt_Mode_Reset;

sub InitScr
    print "\ec";
    ReadMode $Read_Mode;
    DecSet $VT200_Mouse;
    #DecSet $VT200_HighLight_Mouse;
    DecSet $Btn_Event_Mouse;
    DecSet $Any_Event_Mouse;
    ($Columns, $Lines) = Term::Size::chars *STDOUT{IO};

sub EndScr
    print "\n";
    DecUnset $VT200_Mouse;
    #DecUnset $VT200_HighLight_Mouse;
    DecUnset $Btn_Event_Mouse;
    DecUnset $Any_Event_Mouse;
    print "\ec";
    ReadMode 0;

sub BeginMouse
    DecSet $VT200_Mouse;
    DecSet $Btn_Event_Mouse;
    DecSet $Any_Event_Mouse;

sub EndMouse
    DecUnset $VT200_Mouse;
    DecUnset $Btn_Event_Mouse;
    DecUnset $Any_Event_Mouse;

# Paint
# Paints on the screen.

sub Paint
    if($MouseState{'btn'} == 0)
        print "\e[".$MouseState{'y'}.";".$MouseState{'x'}."H".
        print "\e[0;0H";
        $Screen[$MouseState{'y'}][$MouseState{'x'}-1] = $PenChar;

# HandleChars
# Handle input chars != mouse events

sub HandleChars
    my $char = chr shift;
    if(($char eq 'p') or ($char eq 'P'))
        ReadMode 0;
        print "\e[";
        print $Lines-2;
        print ";0HPen char: ";
        $PenChar = ReadKey;
        ReadMode $Read_Mode;
        print "\e[".($Lines-2).";0H";
        for(my $i = 0; $i < $Columns; $i++)
            print " ";
        print "\e[".($Lines-2).";0H";
    if(($char eq 'c') or ($char eq 'C'))
        my ($i,$j);
        for($i = 0; $i < $Lines; $i++)
            for($j = 0; $j < $Columns; $j++)
                $Screen[$i][$j] = " ";
    if(($char eq 'r') or ($char eq 'R'))
        my ($i, $j);
        for($i = 0; $i < $Lines; $i++)
            for($j = 0; $j < $Columns; $j++)
                print $Screen[$i][$j];
            my $real = $i + 1;
            print "\e[$real;0H";
    if(($char eq 's') or ($char eq 'S'))
        ReadMode 0;
        print "\e[";
        print $Lines-2;
        print ";0HFile name: ";
        my $Fname = ReadLine;
        ReadMode $Read_Mode;
        print "\e[".($Lines-2).";0H";
        for(my $i = 0; $i < $Columns; $i++)
            print " ";
        print "\e[";
        print $Lines-1;
        print "0H";

        open(FILE, ">$Fname") or die "Couldn't open $Fname: $!\n";

        my ($i, $j);
        for($i = 0; $i < $Lines; $i++)
            for($j = 0; $j < $Columns; $j++)
                print FILE $Screen[$i][$j];
            print FILE "\n";

        close FILE;
        ReadMode $Read_Mode;

# MouseEvents
# Handle mouse events, and put the result in %MouseEvents.

sub MouseEvents
    my $btn = ord(ReadKey) - 32;
    my $mod = $btn & 28;    # get other 3 bits  (mask = 00011100)
    $mod >>= 3;        # shift 3 bits right
    my $wheel = 0;
    my $moving = 0;

    if($mod != 0)
        $btn &= ~28;    # remove modifier info
    if($btn >= 64)          # ... then wheel has been rolled
        $wheel = 1;
        $btn -= 64;
    elsif($btn >= 32)       # ... then mouse has been moved
        $moving = 1;
        $btn -= 32;
    my $x = ord(ReadKey) - 32;
    my $y = ord(ReadKey) - 32;

    # Fill %MouseState's fields

    $MouseState{'x'} = $x;
    $MouseState{'y'} = $y;
    $MouseState{'mod'} = $mod;
    $MouseState{'btn'} = $btn;
    $MouseState{'wheel'} = $wheel;
    $MouseState{'moving'} = $moving;

    printf "\e[0;0H[P]en - [C]lear - [R]efresh - [Q]uit\n".
        "\e[".($Lines-1).";0HBtn=%3d; X=%3d; Y=%3d; Mod=%3d; ".
        "Wheel=%3d; Moving=%3d",
        $btn, $x, $y, $mod, $wheel, $moving;


################## ###  ##   #
# Main loop
################## ###  ##   #

# Clear screen and set read mode to $Read_Mode


my ($i,$j);
for($i = 0; $i < $Lines; $i++)
    for($j = 0; $j < $Columns; $j++)
        $Screen[$i][$j] = " ";

my $key = "";

$| = 1; # autoflush

while(($key = ReadKey) ne 'q')
    my $code = ord $key;
    if($code == 0x1b)    # got an escape seq ("\e")
        # is it 0x5b ([) ?
        $key = ReadKey;
        $code = ord($key);
        next if($code != 0x5b);    # 0x5b = '['
        my $what = ord(ReadKey);
        if($what == 0x4d)    # 0x4d = 'M'

ReadMode 0;
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Pikture - yet another ascii art drawing program
by chanio (Priest) on Jun 10, 2005 at 20:19 UTC
    Thank you, I'll give it a try!

    For the rest that doesn't know about the best multiplatform ASCII art editor (written in JAVA) just visit the JAVE website.

    Only if you want to have some fun. I don't think that everybody might enjoy doing some drawings with monospaced letters & numbers. Or doing an ASCIIart film, or printing an animated GIF with ASCIIart...

    It also has some JAVE pms at CPAN.

    .{\('v')/}   C H E E R   U P !
     _`(___)' ___a_l_b_e_r_t_o_________
    Wherever I lay my KNOPPIX disk, a new FREE LINUX nation could be established.
Re: Pikture - yet another ascii art drawing program
by dReKurCe (Scribe) on Jun 13, 2005 at 21:10 UTC
    Quite a functional piece of code...I like it!!