Well I figured that i would give it a go, this is nothing
spectacular, just wanted to spread a laugh, and maybe even
some of that er um holiday cheer! keep in mind I am learning. :-)
here goes:

my $name="ralphie"; for ($christmas){ $I;$want="Red rider bb gun"; while(<EVERYONE>){ print "You'll shoot your eye out!!"; } } while(@school){ $I;$daydream; @schwartz=qw(tounge stuck to pole!! ha ha!); $class="laughs @schwartz"; } while(<MALL>){$face="santas boot"} if (@bully){print "Run run run!!!"}elsif($enough){push @bully} if($mom="her way" and $lamp=1){$lamp=0}else{print "What a beauty!"}; %curseword=("fudge","the mother of all curse words."); while($curseword{"fudge"}){$mouth="soap"}; while($christmas eq $morning){my $present=$want and $glasses="broken"} %dinner=("Ruined","We ate chinese instead!");
hopefully you remember this. <grin>
josh :)