Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info Eugene Michtchenko

Description: The script is monitorint the usage of CPU, memory, and hard drive (or rather, logical drives) on a Win32 computer.

When you run it for the first time, it gathers essential server data (hostname, logical drives, total memory) and uses it to populate the central logging database. After this is done, the script continues to run but now it updates the database with the actual usage data.

The HDD (or partition/logical drive) usage is collected daily since it does not change very often. The memory usage stats are updated every minute. The CPU usage is calculated as average for all processors on a computer. The CPU usage stats are collected every second; however, to reduce the number of update queries to database (and the network load as well), we store them internally and do a batch update once a minute.

use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use Win32::API;
use Win32::PerfMon;
use Win32::DriveInfo;
use Sys::Hostname;

my @drives;
my %hdds;

my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year, $wday,$yday,$isdst);
my ($bmem, $mem, $host, $dbh, $serverID, $usedMB, $logdate, $t, $cpulo
my ($TotalNumberOfBytes, $totalMB, $volume, $drive, $sth, $ref);
my ($TotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
my ($len, $load, $totalphys, $availphys, $totalpage, $availpage, $tota
+lvirt, $availvirt);
my $grabInterval = 60;
my $hddcounter = 1440;
my $strSQL = '';
my $logserver = '';

#---------------------------- Get server_id --------------------------
$host = hostname;
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=performance;host=$logserver",
                    "username", "password", {'RaiseError' => 1});

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE server_name 
+= \'$host\'");
$ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
$serverID = $ref->{'server_id'};
if (! defined $ref->{'server_id'}) #This server is not in database - u
+pdate DB
   $dbh->do("INSERT INTO servers (server_name) VALUES (" . $dbh->quote
+("$host") . ")");

   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE server
+_name = \'$host\'");
   my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
   $serverID = $ref->{'server_id'};

   $bmem = " " x 32;
   $mem = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GlobalMemoryStatus', 'P', 'N');
   ($len, $load, $totalphys, $availphys, $totalpage, $availpage, $tota
    $availvirt) = unpack('IIIIIIII', $bmem);
   $totalMB = int($totalphys/1024/1024);
   $dbh->do("INSERT INTO mem VALUES ($serverID, $totalMB, 80)");

   @drives = Win32::DriveInfo::DrivesInUse();
   foreach $drive (@drives)
      if (Win32::DriveInfo::DriveType($drive) == 3 )  #If the disk is 
         $TotalNumberOfBytes = (Win32::DriveInfo::DriveSpace($drive ))
         $totalMB = int($TotalNumberOfBytes / 1048576);
         $dbh->do("INSERT INTO hdd (server_id, volume_name, capacityMB
+, threshold) " .
                  "VALUES ($serverID, ".$dbh->quote("$drive").", $tota
+lMB, 70)");

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT volume_id, volume_name FROM hdd WHERE ser
+ver_id = \'$serverID\'");
while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) 
   $hdds{$ref->{'volume_name'}} = $ref->{'volume_id'};



my $PerfObj = Win32::PerfMon->new(".");
$PerfObj->AddCounter("Processor","% Processor Time", "_Total");

while (1)  #Main loop, infinite...
   #Calculate the CPU load
   for (1..$grabInterval)
      #Calculate the date for logging into database
      ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = local
+time time;
      foreach $t ($mday, $month, $hour, $min, $sec)
         if ($t < 10) {$t = '0' . $t;}
      $year="20".$year if length($year)==2;
      $logdate="$year-$month-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";

      # Populate the counters from perfmon
      $cpuload = $PerfObj->GetCounterValue("Processor","% Processor Ti
+me", "_Total");
      # Do something with $value - e.g. store it in a DB
      $strSQL .= " (\'$logdate\', $serverID, $cpuload),";

      sleep 1;
   #Dump the gathered CPU load data into the database
   chop $strSQL;
   $dbh->do("INSERT INTO cpu_usage VALUES $strSQL");
   $strSQL = ''; #Clear the variable for the next cycle
   #Calculate the memory usage
   $bmem = " " x 32;
   $mem = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GlobalMemoryStatus', 'P', 'N');
   ($len, $load, $totalphys, $availphys, $totalpage, $availpage, $tota
       $availvirt) = unpack('IIIIIIII', $bmem);
   $usedMB = int(($totalphys-$availphys)/1024/1024);  #Store used memo
+ry in MB

   #Log the usage into the database
   $dbh->do("INSERT INTO mem_usage VALUES (".$dbh->quote("$logdate")."
+, $serverID, $usedMB)");
   #HDD usage logging
   if ($hddcounter == 1440)
      $hddcounter = 0;

      foreach $drive (keys %hdds)
         $TotalNumberOfFreeBytes = (Win32::DriveInfo::DriveSpace($driv
+e ))[6];
         $TotalNumberOfBytes = (Win32::DriveInfo::DriveSpace($drive ))
         $usedMB = int(($TotalNumberOfBytes - $TotalNumberOfFreeBytes)

         #Create SQL statement
         $volume = $hdds{$drive};
         $dbh->do("INSERT INTO hdd_usage VALUES (\'$logdate\', \'$volu
+me\', $usedMB)");
