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Re^3: serialise/unserialising data structures

by zentara (Archbishop)
on May 31, 2005 at 09:56 UTC ( [id://461976]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: serialise/unserialising data structures
in thread serialise/unserialising data structures

Yes it's weird, I just downloaded the code again, and it worked fine, but I still have the original file which gave me errors. I include it here, just because I can't see where the difference is? Maybe a } got clipped somewhere? It has to be Monday. :-)
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; my @AoH = ( { OutFile => 'albu.htm', PageId => '', Menu => '', Content => '' }, { OutFile => 'armi.php', PageId => '', Menu => '', Content => '' }, { OutFile => 'bank.htm', PageId => '', Menu => '', Content => '' }, { OutFile => 'bate.htm', PageId => '', Menu => '', Content => '' } ); my $benc = bEncode(\@AoH); print $benc,"\n"; my $bdec = bDecode(\$benc); print Dumper([\$bdec]),"\n"; # ##### # Provides fuctions for bencoding/decoding ### # Decodes a bencoded string to a hash/array reference sub bDecode { my $dictref = $_[0]; my $retref = undef; if (substr(${$dictref},0,1) eq "d") { $retref = {}; ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref},1); PROCDICTHASH: while (substr(${$dictref},0,1) ne 'e') { my ($key, $value); ${$dictref} =~ /^(-?[\d]+)/; $key = substr(${$dictref}, length($1)+1, $1); ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref}, length($1)+$ +1+1); if (${$dictref} =~ /^[ld]/) { $value = bDecode(\${$dictref}); if (!defined($value)) { return undef; } } elsif (${$dictref} =~ /^(-?[\d]+):/) { $value = substr(${$dictref}, length($1 +)+1, $1); ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref}, leng +th($1)+$1+1); } elsif (${$dictref} =~ /^i(-?[\d]+)e/) { $value = $1; ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref}, leng +th($1)+2); } else { return undef; } $retref->{$key} = $value; } ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref},1); } elsif (substr(${$dictref},0,1) eq "l") { $retref = []; ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref},1); PROCDICTARR: while (substr(${$dictref},0,1) ne 'e') { if (${$dictref} =~ /^[ld]/) { my $value = bDecode(\${$dictref}); if (!defined($value)) { return undef; } push (@$retref, $value); } elsif (${$dictref} =~ /^(-?[\d]+):/) { push (@$retref, substr(${$dictref}, le +ngth($1)+1, $1)); ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref}, leng +th($1)+$1+1); } elsif (${$dictref} =~ /^i(-?[\d]+)e/) { push (@$retref, $1); ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref}, leng +th($1)+2); } else { return undef; } } ${$dictref} = substr(${$dictref},1); } else { return undef; } return $retref; } #Encodes a hash/array ref to a bencoded string sub bEncode { my $dictref = $_[0]; my $retval = ''; # my ($key, $value); if (ref($dictref) eq 'HASH') { $retval = 'd'; for my $key (sort keys %$dictref) { $retval .= length($key).':'.$key; if (ref($dictref->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY' || ref($d +ictref->{$key}) eq 'HASH') { $retval .= bEncode($dictref->{$key}); } elsif ($dictref->{$key} =~ /^[\d]+$/) { $retval .= 'i'.$dictref->{$key}.'e'; } else { $retval .= length($dictref->{$key}).': +'.$dictref->{$key}; } } $retval .= 'e'; } elsif (ref($dictref) eq 'ARRAY') { $retval = 'l'; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$dictref}; $i++) { if (ref($dictref->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY' || ref($dic +tref->[$i]) eq 'HASH') { $retval .= bEncode($dictref->[$i]); } elsif ($dictref->{$key} =~ /^[\d]+$/) { $retval .= 'i'.$dictref->[$i].'e'; } else { $retval .= length($dictref->[$i]).':'. +$dictref->[$i]; } } $retval .= 'e'; } return $retval; };

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