package LOC; use strict; use CGI; use IO::Socket; sub z3950_data { my $isbn = shift(); local $/ = undef; my $ua = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => 'http(80)', ); print $ua "GET " . z3950_url($isbn) . "\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"; my ($raw_data) = <$ua> =~ /
        return undef unless ( defined($raw_data) );

        my %data = ();
        my $last = 'UNKNOWN';
        foreach my $line ( split(/\n/, $raw_data ) ) {
                chomp( $line );
                $line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
                if ( my ($key, $value) = $line =~ /^([^:]+): (.*)/ ) {
                   $data{$key} .= $value;
                   $last = $key;
                else {
                   $data{$last} .= $line;

        return \%data;

sub z3950_html {
        my $isbn = shift();

        my $data = z3950_data( $isbn );
        if ( !defined($data) ) {
                return "z3950_html: Can't get LOC data";

        return "
", join("\n", map { "$_ -> $$data{$_}" } keys( %$data )),
\n"; } sub z3950_url { my $isbn = shift(); my $sid = undef; local $/ = undef; my $ua = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => 'http(80)', ); print $ua "GET /cgi-bin/zgate?ACTION=INIT\&FORM_HOST_PORT=". "/prod/www/data/z3950/locils.html,,7090". "\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"; ($sid) = <$ua> =~ /NAME="SESSION_ID"\s+VALUE="(\d+)"/i; return undef unless ( defined($sid) ); return "". "ESNAME=F&". "ACTION=SEARCH&". "DBNAME=VOYAGER&". # "MAXRECORDS=20&". # "RECSYNTAX=1.2.840.10003.5.10&". # "REINIT=" . CGI::escape("/cgi-bin/zgate?ACTION=INIT&FORM_HOST_PORT=/prod/www/data/z3950/locils.html,,7090") . "&" . "TERM_1=$isbn&". "USE_1=7&". "SESSION_ID=$sid". ""; } 1; =pod =head1 TITLE - an interface to the Library of Congress' book database =head1 SYNOPSIS To redirect from a web page: use CGI; use LOC; my $cgi = new CGI; my $isbn = $cgi->param('isbn'); print $cgi->redirect( LOC::z3950_url($isbn) ); To get the data for a certain book: use LOC; my $data = LOC::z3950_data( $isbn ); foreach my $key ( keys(%$data) ) { print "$key: $$data{$key}\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION The Library of Congress' web-interface to their book database is screwy. You just can't find the isbn and plug it into a simple url. No, you need to initialize a session first, and then plug the isbn into a simple url. Oh well. So this module initializes a session and redirects you to the right url. Or, you can just grab the data from the LOC and present it in whatever form you want. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item \%hash z3950_data( $isbn ) Given an ISBN, return a reference to a hash with the data downloaded from the Library of Congress. The keys to the hash are the data field names. =item $html z3950_html( $isbn ) Dump out the data from z3950_data as HTML. Sort of. It's just plain text with
 tags around it.

=item $url z3950_url( $isbn )

The url that will get the LOC page for this ISBN.

