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Re: Four part JAPH

by jdalbec (Deacon)
on Apr 21, 2005 at 04:06 UTC ( [id://449855]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Four part JAPH

I'm impressed by how well parts of your code foil Perl::Tidy. The "@{[...]}" and s{}{...}e notation and the __END__ at the end of a line all cause Perl::Tidy not to respace those sections of code at all. The following modification is Perl::Tidy-friendlier:
#!/usr/bin/perl END{$_=(join$",@{[map{$%=$_;$_=&{$_{$_}};$%%2&&s%.%\u$&%;$_}($|..${$/= +\ ($^A+$|+$?)})]}).",";print}($,,$,,+$*,$,,$,)=($|..$=/(+++$^A+$^A)* +++$^A*++$^A);@_{++$|..2**(++$-+$-)}=(sub{(join$',map{+chr($|+$,+ ord($_))}reverse((split$`,&{$_{$=/($,*$,+$,)}})[$...$|]))."${\'s' }".substr(&{$_{2}},$^A,$|)},sub{"anoth".substr(&{$_{$^A}},+$-,$-+ $|)},sub{$a="\104\101\124\101";!seek$a,$=/($*+$,)+$|,$;or~~<$a>}, sub{local$";join$",@{[(split//,(chr($^A-$|+ord(substr(&{$_{$^A-$|}},+$ +? ..++$?)))).&{$_{$,/($^A-$|)}}.chr(2*$=-$^A*$,-$|))[$,+$|,$|,$--$| ,+-+$|,-$|x$?,+$=/(0+$,*+$*+-+-$*),$,+-+-~~$*+-+-$|]]}}); __END__
Here is a tidied version with comments:
#!/usr/bin/perl END { $_ = ( join $", @{ [ map { $% = $_; $_ = &{ $_{$_} }; $% % 2 && s%.%\u$&%; +$_ } # ucfirst odd words (1 -> "Just", 3 -> "Perl") ( $| .. ${ $/ = \( $^A + $| + $? ) } ) # 3+1+0 == 4; + $/ == \4 ] } ) . ","; # canonical print; } # $, == $* == $^A == undef; $| == $- == 0; $= == 60 ( $,, $,, +$*, $,, $, ) = ( $| .. $= / ( +++$^A + $^A ) * +++$^A * ++$ +^A ); # $, == 4; $* == 2; $^A == 3; $| == $- == 0; $= == 60 @_{ ++$| .. 2**( ++$- + $- ) } = ( # hash slice @_{ 1 .. 4 } = ( # $, == 4; $* == 2; $^A == 3; $| == $- == 1; $= == 60 sub { ( join $', # $' == last successful pattern match == undef # in original code $' == "" due to s{}{...} map { +chr( $| + $, + ord($_) ) } reverse( # $| + $, == 5 ( split $`, &{ $_{ $= / ( $, * $, + $, ) } } )[ $. .. +$| ] # $` == ""; 60/(4*4+4) == 3; $. == 0; $| == 1; "ep" -> "ju" ) ) . "${\'s' }" . substr( &{ $_{2} }, $^A, $| ); # substr("another",3,1) == "t" }, sub { "anoth" . substr( &{ $_{$^A} }, +$-, $- + $| ); # substr("perl",1,2) == "er" }, sub { $a = "\104\101\124\101"; # "DATA" !seek $a, $= / ( $* + $, ) + $|, $; # 60/(2+4)+1 == 11; $; eq chr 28 == 0 # ! / u s r / b i n / p e r l \n #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or ~~<$a>; # "perl" since $/ == \4; }, sub { local $"; join $", @{ [ ( split //, ( chr( $^A - $| + # $^A - $| == 2 ord( substr( &{ $_{ $^A - $| } }, +$? .. + ++$? ) ) # $? == 1; substr("another",0,1) == "a" -> "c" ) ) . &{ $_{ $, / ( $^A - $| ) } } # 4/(3-1) == 2 -> + "another" # &{$_{2}} calls &{$_{3}} which does a seek() and resets $? to 0 . chr( 2 * $= - $^A * $, - $| ) # 2*60-3*4-1 == +107 -> "k" )[ # canotherk # 012345678 $, + $|, $|, $- - $|, +-+$|, -$| x $?, # 4 + 1 == 5 -> "h"; 1 -> "a"; 1 - 1 == 0 -> "c"; -1 -> "k", -1 x 0 == + () +$= / ( 0 + $, * +$* + -+-$* ), # 60/(0+4*2+2) == 6 -> "e"; 4+2+1 == 7 -> "r" $, + -+-~~$* + -+-$| ] ] }; } ); __END__

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