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Re: Learning Exercises

by Fletch (Bishop)
on Apr 14, 2005 at 12:46 UTC ( [id://447740]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Learning Exercises

You might have him check out Code Kata; I got pointed at that from a Ruby blog the other day and it's got some interesting programming challenges (not necessarily explicitly coding for some, but . . .).

The ACM also runs annual programming contests; if you follow the link off the main page you can find PDFs of this year's and last year's problems that might work as well.

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Re^2: Learning Exercises
by ropey (Hermit) on Apr 14, 2005 at 13:35 UTC

    The best answer so far, appreciate the comments Fletch...

    It may be some monks have come from c++ to perl, Perl is my first lang out of school.. and my teacher didnt know what a hash was... now the point I am making is that lets not judge others being introduced to perl or any other lang...and I personally hate it when people say 'they should buy a book'. Thats not always so easy as it we mere mortals hope for support of fellow monks... I for myself want to just teach newbies the best I can

    Thanks again Fletch

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