My web app (for IIS reasons) uses meta refreshes to redirect the user around. I test these redirects with the code below. I've used a regex as my refresh template is fixed and very, very simple. However, if yours isn't/aren't then you should replace the regex with a call to something like HTML::TokeParser.

Update: fixed silly mistake as hilighted below. Also fixed what was, for my test suite, a logic error. The final get call must be to $expected_url and not $url. If your test quite works differently then use $url instead :).
sub meta_refresh { my $mech = shift; my $expected_url = shift; my $url; if($mech->content() =~ /<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url= +([^"]*)"/) { $url = $1; } cmp_ok($expected_url, 'eq', $url, "The meta refresh returns the ex +pected URL"); $mech->get( $expected_url ); ok($mech->success(), "URL loaded successfully"); }
So call it like this:
# Code to cause the refresh to appear not shown. # Check the refresh and follow meta_refresh($mech, '/index.cgi?rm=home');