Nik has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

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Re: Undetectable Keylogger
by jZed (Prior) on Apr 08, 2005 at 18:45 UTC
    I'd be happy to send you one. In order to send it, I'll need your passport ID, your bank account number and PIN, and a complete sexual history. Please put these on your scratchpad and I'll send you the keylogger as soon as I've verified the information by undetectably keylogging you.
Re: Undetectable Keylogger
by jfroebe (Parson) on Apr 08, 2005 at 19:32 UTC

    OMG! I can't believe this... I'm laughing very hard at the original poster! Setting aside the legalities and the invasion of privacy...

    Perl is ill suited for any type of hidden activity because the perl interpreter has a large foot print as well as being easily identifiable by a monitoring program.

    I'm sorry and I'm being rude but the question of the original poster brings to mind "script kiddie" and idiot in the same thought. I scoff in his/her general direction. omg... I'm still laughing.

    it's just so silly

    Jason L. Froebe

    Team Sybase member

    No one has seen what you have seen, and until that happens, we're all going to think that you're nuts. - Jack O'Neil, Stargate SG-1


      Taking a look at Nik's questions I hope I'm misinterpreting - I really do - but it appears that Nik might be attempting to create a website that installs trojans (not the condom btw).

      please let me be wrong on this one! Good thing I use Firefox

      Jason L. Froebe

      Team Sybase member

      No one has seen what you have seen, and until that happens, we're all going to think that you're nuts. - Jack O'Neil, Stargate SG-1

        Now *that* would be funny, a site that installed Trojan® Condoms. :-D

        Update: Changed © to ® per ambrus's comment.

Re: Undetectable Keylogger
by Hero Zzyzzx (Curate) on Apr 08, 2005 at 19:03 UTC

    Go away, Nik.

    -Any sufficiently advanced technology is
    indistinguishable from doubletalk.

    My Biz

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