Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info nop
Description: This is a small wrapper around Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. It lets you quickly open a workbook, and spit data into it by row by column (analogous to writing a tab delim text file, or using write and writeln in Pascal). Sometimes it is easier to think of generating a report by row by column, rather than popping all around the sheet.

The package also supports multiple tabs (sheets) nicely, setting them up automatically the first time a new tab is referenced. The package also supports common formats, and allows you to create "metaformats" (ala cascading style sheets).

Here's a example that shows the module in action:
use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Excel; my $excel = Excel->new("test_excel1.xls"); $excel->writeln('tab1', "Header"); $excel->writeln('tab1'); $excel->writeln('tab1', qw(1 3 4 5 6)); $excel->writeln('tab1', qw(A B C D E F)); $excel->writeln('tab1'); $excel->writeln('tab1', qw(1.1 1000 101011.33 -14 -14.555 .000001)); $excel->writeln('tab1', map {[$_, 'money']} qw(1.1 1000 101011.33 -14 +-14.555 .000001)); $excel->writeln('tab1', map {[$_, 'bigmoney']} qw(1.1 1000 101011.33 - +14 -14.555 .000001)); $excel->writeln('tab1', map {[$_, 'pct']} qw(1.1 1000 101011.33 -14 -1 +4.555 .000001)); $excel->writeln('tab1', "VErrry long striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" +); $excel->writeln('tab1', ['hello', 'bold'], [.003, 'pct','bold']); foreach (qw(1 2 3 4 5)) { $excel->write('tab2', [$_, 'money', 'bold']); } $excel->writeln('tab2', 'hello', [.003, 'pct','bold'], 'goodbye', 9999 +9999999999); foreach (qw(red blue yellow green orange)) { $excel->writeln('tab3', 'hello', [$_, $_, 'bold']); } $excel->writeln('tab4', ['i am a header', 'header']); $excel->writeln('tab4', ['i am a header', 'header', 'sumline']); $excel->writeln('tab4', ['i am a header', 'header', 'size20']);
package Excel;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self  = {};
    bless ($self, $class);
    return $self;

sub init {
    my ($self, $fname) = @_;
    $self->{workbook} = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($fname);

sub getformat {
    my ($self, @fmts) = @_;
    my $format = $self->{workbook}->addformat();
    # metafmts allows you define combinations of formats, like CSS
    # may be nested, may not be circular
    my %metafmts = (
            header => [qw(bold blue)]
    while (@fmts) {
    $_ = shift @fmts;
    if ($metafmts{$_}) {push(@fmts, @{$metafmts{$_}}); delete $metafmt
+s{$_}; next;} 
    if (/default/) {
        $format->set_format(3); # commas, no decimals
    } elsif (/bigmoney/) {
        $format->set_format(5); # dollar sign, commas, no decimals
    } elsif (/money/) {
        $format->set_format(7); # dollar sign, commas, pennies
    } elsif (/pct/) {
        $format->set_format(10); # percent, two digit
    } elsif (/bold/) {
        $format->set_bold(1); # bold on
    } elsif (/sumline/) {
        $format->set_bottom(6); # double underline
    } elsif (/border/) {
        $format->set_border(1); # border all around
    } elsif (/size(\d+)/) {
        $format->set_size(0+$1); # size
    } elsif (/italic/) {
        $format->set_italic(1); # italic
    } elsif (/underline/) {
        $format->set_underline(1); # text underline
    } elsif (/left|right|center/) {
        $format->set_align($_); # alignment
    } elsif (/black|blue|red|green|purple|silver|yellow|gray|orange/) 
        $format->set_color($_); # colors
    } else {
        die "unknown or circular format string: $_";
    return $format;

sub writecell {
    my ($self, $worksheet, $row, $col, $value) = @_;
    my ($val, @formats);
    if (!ref($value)) {
    $val = $value; @formats = qw(default);
    } elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
    $val = shift(@{$value});  @formats = @{$value};
    } else {die ref($value);}
    my $fmtobj = $self->getformat(@formats);
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{ptr}->write($row,$col, $val, $fmtob

sub write {
    my ($self, $worksheet, @vals) = @_;
    # if this is a new tab, create it
    if (!defined($self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{ptr})) {
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{ptr} =
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{row} = 0;
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{col} = 0;
    my $row = $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{row};
    my $col = $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{col};
    foreach (@vals) {
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{col} = $col;

sub writeln {
    my ($self, $worksheet, @vals) = @_;
    $self->write($worksheet, @vals);
    $self->{worksheet}{$worksheet}{col} = 0;
