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Re^3: Inserting an element into an array after a certain element

by tlm (Prior)
on Apr 01, 2005 at 10:36 UTC ( [id://444140]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Inserting an element into an array after a certain element
in thread Inserting an element into an array after a certain element

Oh, it breaks if any of the elements consists of more than one character:

% perl -le 'print"@{[split//,join q(x),split/(?<=c)/,join(q(),qw(a b c + d c e foo f)),2]}"' a b c x d c e f o o f
but single spaces are fine:
% perl -le 'print"@{[split//,join q(x),split/(?<=c)/,join(q(),qw(a b c + d c e),q( ),q(f)),2]}"' a b c x d c e f
To fix this, I guess one could do something like
perl -le 'print"@{[split/\0/,join qq(\0x),split/(?<=c)/,join(qq(0),qw( +a b c d c e foo f)),2]}"' a b c x d c e foo f

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