tall_man has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

As a follow-up to OT: Finding Factor Closest To Square Root and Generating powerset with progressive ordering, I started thinking about the problem: how do you generate the series of numbers composed of a given list of prime factors, where each can be used an unlimited number of times? For example, the factors 2, 3,and 5 produce the infinite list (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12...) This is known as the generalized Hamming sequence problem.

I found on the net an elegant solution in Haskell:

{- Merge two sorted lists -} merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = x: merge xs (y:ys) | x > y = y: merge (x:xs) ys | x == y = x: merge xs ys merge [] ys = ys merge xs [] = xs {-- Generic Hamming sequence on a list of factors. --} genHam :: [Integer]->[Integer] genHam [] = [] genHam (x:xs) = out where out = merge ( 1: map (*x) out) (genHam xs) {- Usage: take 10 (genHam [2,3,5]) -}
The challenge would be to do this in perl. I believe perl6 has or will soon be getting Haskell-like lazy infinite lists. Can it be done in perl5?