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Re: mod_perl go boom, mod_cgi works

by hacker (Priest)
on Mar 06, 2005 at 14:08 UTC ( [id://437042]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: mod_perl go boom, mod_cgi works
in thread mod_perl go boom, mod_cgi works

Part of the problem with running it in single-process mode (ala -X) is that after some random interval, httpd stops responding to requests for the content. I can click on links on the mod_perl page, and the hourglass flickers for a second, then goes away, and the logs on the server-side don't even show a hit at all.

It just seems to drop the request somewhere between my client and the single-process httpd when I do that. I even tried running it in "non-single-process" mode, with a MaxClients setting of 1, and it does the same thing.

Its INCREDIBLY hard to track down (hence my reason for posting).

I'll take a look at the link you've provided to see if maybe there's something I missed, some way to get a proper core file out of here that I can use.

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