class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } #### print "Hello World\n"; #### say "Hello World"; #### : >Well, if that's your goal, you're gonna have to work a little harder. : >I sent this out last week, but it never made it off my machine. It's : >50 characters, counting the final newline. : > : > main(){system("perl -pe 's/\\w+/reverse$&/eg'");} : > : >It's almost readable, too. : > : >Larry Wall : : Well, if we're allowed to write our own interpreters then yours is : easy to beat! : : main(){system("a");} : : 20 characters! (Not counting the final newline.) : : You haven't heard of my interpreter "a"? Well it just so happens : that, without any command line arguments, it filters stdin to stdout : in a manner that is identical to any of the valid entries to this : competition, like your entry above for example. :-) : : John Ellson Well, hey, I said you'd have to work a *little* harder, not a lot harder. :-) Larry #### 1 Ton Hospel $ 4,384,000.00 (10/13) 2 Rick Klement $ 3,712,000.00 (12/13) 3 Eugene van der Pijll $ 3,540,000.00 (10/13) 4 Stephen Turner $ 1,955,200.00 (11/13) 5 Mtv Europe $ 1,837,040.00 (9/13) #### sub b{[@b=(abs||No,bottle."s"x!!++$_,of,beer),on,the,wall]}print "@{+b},\n@b,\nTake one down, pass it around,\n@{+b}.\n" for-pop||-99..-1 #### : OK. Still, it'd be nice to get anonymous scalars somehow. The Huffman encoding of that is do{\my$x}. #### Golfing Technique Inventor Year ----------------- -------- ---- @{[]} aka baby cart The Larry or 1994 The Schwartz }{ aka eskimo greeting The Abigail late 1990s ~~ aka inchworm ??? ~- aka inchworm-on-a-stick The Hospel 2002 $_ x= boolean expression The Larry early 1990s y///c aka Abigail's Length Horror The Hall 1996 stuff value into $\ for printing The van der Pijll 2001 }for(...){ variation of eskimo The Hospel 2001 --$| magical flip-flop The Hospel 2002 \$h{X} is one less than ++$h{X} aka Thelen's Device The Thelen 2002 -i and $^I for data value The Sperling 2002 Control @- via regex parens aka The ySas 2008 ySas' device, see [id://851128]