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Re: Win32::Daemon and Outlook

by BatGnat (Scribe)
on Nov 27, 2000 at 04:51 UTC ( [id://43424]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Win32::Daemon and Outlook

Here is the current version of the source If you want the other version, it used Win32:Console to make it pretty. I also have a CGI script to read the log file and convert it into a into a graph using OLE, and saves a PNG/GIF etc. and for web display. As always any comment and suggestions welcome.
# SPACEd # Daemon to check free Space on DAT01 my $ver = "v2.0.0beta1"; use warnings; use MySubs; use Win32::AdminMisc; use Win32::OLE; use Win32::Daemon; use Win32::EventLog; START_DAEMON(); my $MB = 1024 ** 2; my $hour = 60*60; my $SERVERPATH = uc(shift) || "\\\\SERVER\\SHARE\\"; my $ALERT = (shift) * $MB || 60000 * $MB; # for testing email #my $ALERT = (shift) * $MB || 2000 * $MB; if ($SERVERPATH !~ /\\$/) { $SERVERPATH=$SERVERPATH.'\\'; }; while (1) { my $sleep_time = ($hour*2); if ( GET_DRIVES($SERVERPATH) ) { $sleep_time = ($hour/2); } for (1 .. int($sleep_time/60)) { if ( Win32::Daemon::State() eq SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { Win32::Daemon::StopService(); die; } sleep 60; } } sub GET_DRIVES { my $OK; my $drive = shift; my $TIME = localtime; my ($sectors_per_cluster, $bytes_per_cluster, $free_clusters, $tot +al_clusters) = Win32::AdminMisc::GetDriveGeometry($drive); my $free = $sectors_per_cluster * $bytes_per_cluster * $free_clust +ers; my $total = $sectors_per_cluster * $bytes_per_cluster * $total_clu +sters; LOG_CSV($free); print $drive,"\n"; print $TIME,"\n"; if ($free) { my $align = 42; if ($free < $ALERT) { undef $OK; email($drive,$free,$total); } else { $OK = 1; } } else { undef $OK; } return $OK; } sub email { my $path = shift; my $free = shift; my $total = shift; my $TIME = localtime; my @TOLIST = ('bowersm'); # for testing # my @TOLIST =('Aust ISD Hardware/Software Support','Aust ISD Syste +ms Admin','toglej'); my $message = "<HTML><FONT SIZE=6><B><I><FONT COLOR=NAVY>LOW SPACE + on ".$path."<\/FONT COLOR><\/B><\/I><HR color=red><FONT SIZE=5>There + is currently <FONT COLOR=RED>".&COMMA(int($free/1048576))."<\/FONT C +OLOR>Mb free of <FONT COLOR=RED>".&COMMA(int($total/1048576))."<\/FON +T COLOR>Mb total on <FONT COLOR=NAVY>".$path.".<\/FONT COLOR><BR>This + is below the alert mark of <FONT COLOR=RED>".&COMMA(int($ALERT/10485 +76))."<\/FONT COLOR>Mb.<BR>CSC may want to look at this!!!<HR color=r +ed>".$TIME."\n"; eval {$OUTLOOK = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application' +)}; die "Outlook not installed" if $@; unless (defined $OUTLOOK) { $OUTLOOK = Win32::OLE->new('Outlook.Application', sub {$_[0]-> +Quit;}) or die "Oops, cannot start Outlook"; } $mailitem = $OUTLOOK->CreateItem(0); map {$mailitem->Recipients->Add($_)} @TOLIST; $mailitem->{"Subject"} = "LOW SPACE on ".$path." \@ ".$TIME; $mailitem->{"Categories"} = 'LOW SPACE!!!' ; $mailitem->{"HTMLBody"} = $message; $mailitem->Send(); undef $OUTLOOK,@TOLIST, $message, $TIME, $path, $free, $total; } sub LOG_CSV { my $NEW; my $NOW = localtime; my $NOW_CONV = CONV_LOCALTIME($NOW); my $FREE = shift; my %LOG->{$NOW_CONV } = $FREE; my @days = qw/MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN/; if (open (CSV, "<d:/LOG_v2.CSV")) { foreach (<CSV>) { next if /Date/; chomp; my ($DATE, $SIZE) = split /,/, $_; %LOG->{$DATE} = $SIZE; } close CSV; } open (CSV, ">d:/LOG_v2.CSV"); print CSV "Date,Bytes,Megabytes\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %LOG) { print CSV "$key,".%LOG->{$key}.",".(%LOG->{$key}/1048576)."\n" +; } close CSV; } sub CONV_LOCALTIME { my %MONTHS = ( "Jan" => '01', "Feb" => '02', "Mar" => '03', "Apr" => '04', "May" => '05', "Jun" => '06', "Jul" => '07', "Aug" => '08', "Sep" => '09', "Oct" => '10', "Nov" => '11', "Dec" => '12' ); my ($DAY, $MON, $DATE, $TIME, $YEAR) = split /\s+/, shift; my $CONV = join(" ",$YEAR, %MONTHS->{$MON}, sprintf("%02d",$DATE), + $TIME); return $CONV; } sub START_DAEMON { # Tell the OS to start processing the service... Win32::Daemon::StartService(); # Wait until the service manager is ready for us to continue... while( SERVICE_START_PENDING != Win32::Daemon::State() ) { sleep( 1 ); } # Now let the service manager know that we are running... Win32::Daemon::State( SERVICE_RUNNING ); # EVENT(); } sub EVENT { #### Adding Event log entries #### Not implemented %EVENT = ( Computer => '', Source => '', EventType => EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, Catergory => '1048576', # EventID => '', Strings => 'TEST' ); $handle=Win32::EventLog->new("Application"); $handle->Report(\%EVENT); }

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