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convert perl to php quickly

by Mr. Lee (Scribe)
on Jan 22, 2005 at 22:02 UTC ( [id://424282]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Mr. Lee has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

After just starting to kno Perl, then I already have to switch to php again. Sorry but the host has only php. How can i convert ALL MY SCRIPTS in php quikcly. I don't know php. I just know a little perl and much vb script. Help!!!

Sorry for my urgent helpcry, but this is realy on topic, because I have written all my script myself in Perl. Really. I don't know where to ask in the php foren, because they don't know Perl so much. So I am back here with my question. Sorry. Please help! Urgent!!!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: convert perl to php quickly
by borisz (Canon) on Jan 22, 2005 at 22:35 UTC
    Find someone, who knows perl and php. Then pay him for converting your scripts fast.
      thanks for your reply
Re: convert perl to php quickly
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Jan 22, 2005 at 22:16 UTC

    Your best solution is to switch to a host which puts more capability in your hands.

    Automatic translation is hard to do reliably. If you're stuck with php, learn php and let the guys who stuck you with it pay the tab.

    After Compline,

      <? #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI; use DBI; use Geo::IP; use MIME::Lite; use Net::SMTP; use Crypt::RC4; use MIME::Base64; use CGI::Simple; use URI::Escape; use Time::Piece; my $q = new CGI; use lib "/home3/indiamart/modules/globalfiles"; use Globalinit; my $url; my $host=$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}; my $flag=0; my $TBL_LEAD_ID = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_ID') || ''; my $name = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_NAME') || ''; $name =~ s/'/\\'/g; my $item_theme2 =''; my $destination2=''; my $interested_country = $q->param('interested_country') || ''; my $lead_type_id = $q->param('form_typeid') || ''; if($interested_country eq 'India') { $lead_type_id1='1'; } else { $lead_type_id1=$lead_type_id; } my $email = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_EMAIL') || ''; my $key ='hello'; my $output = encode_base64( RC4($key, $email) ); my $decoded = decode_base64($output); my $decrypted = RC4($key, $decoded); my $a =uri_escape($output); # my $encodeString = ~s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-.]/uc # sprintf("%%%02x",ord($output))/eg; my @country=split("_",$q->param('FK_TBL_COUNTRY')); my $country1 = $country[0] || ''; my $country2 = $country[2] || ''; my $city = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_CITY') || ''; my $phone = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_PHONE') || ''; my $af_id= $q->param('form_afid') || ''; my @people_adults1=split("_",$q->param('FK_TBL_PEOPLE_ADULT_ID')); my $people_adults2 = $people_adults1[0] || ''; my $people_adults = $people_adults1[1] || ''; my @people_kids1=split("_",$q->param('FK_TBL_PEOPLE_KID_ID')); my $people_kids2 = $people_kids1[0] || ''; my $people_kids = $people_kids1[1] || ''; my $arrival_date = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_DATE') || ''; my $arrival_month = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_MONTH') || ''; my $arrival_year = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_YEAR') || ''; my @duration_id1=split("_",$q->param('FK_TBL_DURATION_ID')); my $duration_id2 = $duration_id1[0] || ''; my $duration_id = $duration_id1[1] || ''; my @tbl_budget_id1=split("_",$q->param('FK_TBL_BUDGET')); my $tbl_budget_id2 = $tbl_budget_id1[0] || ''; my $tbl_budget_id = $tbl_budget_id1[1] || ''; my @tbl_visittype1=split("_",$q->param('tbl_visittype')); my $tbl_visittype2 = $tbl_visittype1[2] || ''; my $visittype= $q->param('tbl_visittype') || ''; my @theme = $q->param('tbl_theme[]') ; foreach my $key(@theme) { my @item; @item=split("_",$key); $item_theme2 = "$item_theme2," .$item[2]; $item_theme2=~s/^\,//g; } my @destination=$q->param('tbl_dest[]') ; foreach my $key1(@destination) { my @destination1; @destination1=split("_",$key1); $destination2 = "$destination2," .$destination1[2]; $destination2=~s/^\,//g; } my $description1 = $q->param('TBL_LEAD_DESCRIPTION') || ''; if($interested_country eq 'India' && $lead_type_id eq '5') { $description = "$description1"; $description =~ s/'/\\'/g; } elsif($lead_type_id ne '5') { $description = "$description1"; $description =~ s/'/\\'/g; } else { $description = "Interested In : $interested_country, $description1 "; $description =~ s/'/\\'/g; } my $ip = $q->remote_addr() || ''; my $site_name= $q->param('site_name') || ''; my $geoip = Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_STANDARD); my $ip_country_name = $geoip->country_name_by_addr($ip) || ''; $ip_country_name = "NA" unless($ip_country_name); my $gi = Geo::IP->open_type( GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1 , GEOIP_STANDARD +); my $record = $gi->record_by_addr($ip); my $ip_city_name= $record->city || ''; $ip_city_name = "NA" unless($ip_city_name); my ($Second, $Minute, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay, $DayOfYear +, $IsDST) = gmtime(time); $Year += 1900; $Month++; my $t = gmtime; if($Month < '10') { $Month="0$Month"; } else { $Month="$Month"; } if($Day < '10') { $Day="0$Day"; } else { $Day=$Day; } if($Hour < '10') { $Hour="0$Hour"; } else { $Hour=$Hour; } if($Second < '10') { $Second="0$Second"; } else { $Second=$Second; } my $date = $Year.'-'.$Month.'-'.$Day || ''; my $time = $Hour.':'.$Minute.':'.$Second || ''; my $date1="$arrival_date/$arrival_month/$arrival_year"; my $datetime="$date $time"; my $ref= $q->param('referer') || ''; if($ref =~ /googleads/ig) { $ref=''; } else { $ref=$ref; } my $refferer1 = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} || ''; my @refferer2; @refferer2 = split(/(\?gclid)/,$refferer1); my $refferer3 = $refferer2[0] || ''; # create a new MIME Lite based email if($ip_country_name ne 'India') { my $msg = MIME::Lite->new ( Subject => "Re: Your enquiry on $site_name about your travel plan", From => 'Hello Travel <>', To => $email, Type => 'text/html', Data => "Dear $name, <BR><BR> Thank you for using <B>$site_name</B> and opting HELLOTRAVEL.COM netwo +rk to plan your Travel.<BR><BR> We have successfully received your enquiry. We request you to please v +erify your email enquiry by clicking on <A HREF=http://hellotravel-ag +ents/verify.php?id=$a>http://hellotravel-agents/verify.php?id=$a</A> +and help us assign you specialist travel agent to customize and plan +on your travel needs.<BR><BR> HELLO TRAVEL is a platform that allows travelers plan & book tour free + of charge.<BR><BR> For any query or inconvenience please write to us at helpdesk\@hellotr<BR><BR> With Regards,<BR> HELLO TRAVEL Team!" ); $msg->send(); } else { my $msg = MIME::Lite->new ( Subject => "Re: Your enquiry on $site_name about your travel plan", From => 'Hello Travel <>', To => $email, Type => 'text/html', Data => "Dear $name, <BR><BR> Thank you for using <B>$site_name</B> and opting HELLOTRAVEL.COM netwo +rk to plan your Travel.<BR><BR> We have successfully received your enquiry and request you to please verify, by clicking on <A HREF=http://hellotravel-agents/verify.php?id +=$a>http://hellotravel-agents/verify.php?id=$a</A> and help us assign you specialist travel agent to customize and plan o +n your travel needs.<BR><BR> HELLO TRAVEL is a platform that allows travelers plan tour free of cha +rge with freedom of maximum customization.<BR><BR> With lots of thanks and to make your experience of using HELLO TRAVEL +more special, we provide you add-on discount coupon of flat 10% on every purchase of exotic gifts for occasions like Birthday, Anniversary, Wed +ding & many more.. Click on <B><A HREF=>htt +p://</A></B> and explore through the categories of Gifts for her/him & kids.<BR><BR> Discount coupon code : <B>IGPHT</B><BR> Enjoy Shopping on <A HREF=>http://www.</A><BR><BR> For any query or inconvenience please write to us at <a href=helpdesk\>helpdesk\</a>.<BR><BR> With Regards,<BR> HELLO TRAVEL Team! " ); $msg->send(); } my $to1 = ','; my $from1 = ''; my $sub1 = ' Enquiry'; my $message1 = "Name - ".$name." Email -".$email." Country - ".$country2." City - ".$city." Phone No. - ".$phone." Arrival Date - ".$date1." No. of Adult People - ".$people_adults." No. of Kids - ".$people_kids." Duration - ".$duration_id." Budget - ".$tbl_budget_id." Tour Style - ".$tbl_visittype2." Activities - ".$item_theme2." Destinations - ".$destination2." Description - ".$description." IP - ".$ip." IP Country Name - ".$ip_country_name." IP City Name - ".$ip_city_name." Site Name - ".$site_name." Query Date - ".$date." Query Time - ".$time." Selfurl - ".$refferer3." Referer - ".$ref." Thanks"; Globalinit->SendMail(__FILE__,__LINE__,$to1,$from1,'',$sub1,$message1, +''); if ($ENV{'MY_COUNTRY'} eq 'INDIA') { $dbh = DBI->connect("", +"igpmysql", "IGp142",{PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => + 1,}); } else { $dbh = DBI->connect("", 't +ravel', 'thell@123',{PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => +1,}); } if(!$dbh) { if($q->param('submit') && $q->param('submit') ne '') { my $to2 = ','; my $from2 = ''; my $sub2 = "DB Error- $name,$email,$country2 "; my $message2 = "Could not connect & submit enquiry to data +base Name - $name Email -$email Country Code - $country2"; Globalinit->SendMail(__FILE__,__LINE__,$to2,$from2,'',$sub +2,$message2,''); if($q->param('MYREDIRECT')) { my $redirect; $redirect = $q->param('MYREDIRECT'); #print "Location: http://$host/$redirect"; print $q->header( -location => "$redirect", -status => + "302" ); exit; } else { print $q->header( -location => "http://www.hellotravel", -status => "302" ); $incfile=''; exit; } } } if($q->param('submit') && $q->param('submit') ne '') { # print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"; # print "$country1"; # exit; my $tbl_site_name=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_WEBSITE_URL FROM t +bl_websites WHERE TBL_WEBSITE_URL = '$site_name' "); $tbl_site_name->execute(); my $tbl_site_name2=$tbl_site_name->fetchrow_hashref(); my $tbl_site_name3=$tbl_site_name2->{'TBL_WEBSITE_URL'}; if(!$tbl_site_name3) { my $to2 = ','; my $from2 = ''; my $sub2 = "DB Error- $name,$email,$country2 "; my $message2 = "Could not connect & submit enquiry to data +base Name - $name Email -$email Country Code - $country2"; Globalinit->SendMail(__FILE__,__LINE__,$to2,$from2,'',$sub +2,$message2,''); if($q->param('MYREDIRECT')) { my $redirect; $redirect = $q->param('MYREDIRECT'); #print "Location: http://$host/$redirect"; print $q->header( -location => "$redirect", -status => + "302" ); exit; } else { print $q->header( -location => "http://www.hellotravel", -status => "302" ); $incfile=''; exit; } } my $website_language_id=$dbh->prepare("SELECT FK_LANGUAGEID FR +OM tbl_websites WHERE TBL_WEBSITE_URL='$site_name'"); $website_language_id->execute(); my $website_language_id1=$website_language_id->fetchrow_hashre +f(); my $website_language_id2=$website_language_id1->{'FK_LANGUAGEI +D'}; my $date_time=$dbh->prepare("select now()"); $date_time->execute(); my $date_time1=$date_time->fetchrow_hashref(); $date_time2=$date_time1->{'now()'}; my $no_adults=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_PEOPLE_ADULT_VALUE from tb +l_people_adults where TBL_PEOPLE_ADULT_ID=$people_adults "); $no_adults->execute(); my $no_adults1=$no_adults->fetchrow_hashref(); my $value_adult=$no_adults1->{'TBL_PEOPLE_ADULT_VALUE'}; if($description =~ /<a href=/ig || $phone =~ /123456/ig || $phone +=~ /[A-Za-z]/ig || $phone eq '' || $country2 =~ /0/ig ) { my $date_time=$dbh->prepare("select now()"); $date_time->execute(); my $date_time1=$date_time->fetchrow_hashref(); $date_time2=$date_time1->{'now()'}; my $to3 = ','; my $from3 = ''; my $sub3 = "DB Error- $name,$email,$country2 "; my $message3 = "Could not connect & submit Junk enquiry to dat +abase Name - $name Email -$email Country Code - $country2"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_leads_junk (TBL_LEAD_ +ID,TBL_LEAD_NAME,TBL_LEAD_EMAIL,FK_TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE,TBL_LEAD_CITY +,FK_TBL_LANGUAGE_ID,TBL_LEAD_PHONE, FK_TBL_LEADTYPE_ID,FK_TBL_PEOPLE_ +ADULT_ID,FK_TBL_PEOPLE_KID_ID,FK_TBL_DURATION_ID,TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_DAT +E,TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_MONTH,TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_YEAR,TBL_LEAD_DESCRIPTION,T +BL_LEAD_IP,TBL_LEAD_IP_COUNTRY,TBL_LEAD_IP_CITY,FK_TBL_WEBSITE_URL,TB +L_LEAD_REFERER,TBL_LEAD_RECD_DATE_TIME,TBL_LEAD_DATE_TIME,TBL_LEAD_TI +ME,TBL_LEAD_SELFURL,FK_TBL_LOGIN_AFFILIATE_ID) VALUES ('$TBL_LEAD_ID' +, '$name','$email','$country1','$city','$website_language_id2','$phon +e','$lead_type_id1','$people_adults2','$people_kids2','$duration_id2' +,'$arrival_date','$arrival_month','$arrival_year','$description','$ip +','$ip_country_name','$ip_city_name','$site_name','$ref','$datetime', +'$datetime','$time','$refferer3','$af_id')"); $sth->execute() || Globalinit->SendMail(__FILE__,__LINE__,$to3 +,$from3,'',$sub3,$message3,''); $sth->finish; my $maxID=$dbh->prepare("SELECT max(TBL_LEAD_ID) as maxID FROM + tbl_leads_junk"); $maxID->execute(); my $maxID1=$maxID->fetchrow_hashref(); my $id=$maxID1->{'maxID'}; my $tbl_country_query=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_COUNTRY FROM t +bl_country ,tbl_leads_junk WHERE tbl_leads_junk. FK_TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_C +ODE = tbl_country. TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id;"); $tbl_country_query->execute(); my $tbl_country_query2=$tbl_country_query->fetchrow_hashref(); my $tbl_country_query_value=$tbl_country_query2->{'TBL_COUNTRY +'}; if($tbl_country_query_value) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads_junk set FK_TBL_ +COUNTRY = '$tbl_country_query_value' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } my $query_budget1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_BUDGET FROM tbl_bu +dget where TBL_BUDGET_ID = $tbl_budget_id2"); $query_budget1->execute(); my $query_budget2=$query_budget1->fetchrow_hashref(); my $value_budget=$query_budget2->{'TBL_BUDGET'}; if($value_budget) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads_junk set FK_TBL_BUDG +ET = '$value_budget' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_WEBSITE_ID FROM +tbl_websites,tbl_leads_junk WHERE tbl_leads_junk.FK_TBL_WEBSITE_URL = + tbl_websites.TBL_WEBSITE_URL and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $TBL_WEBSITE_ID1->execute(); my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID2=$TBL_WEBSITE_ID1->fetchrow_hashref(); my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE=$TBL_WEBSITE_ID2->{'TBL_WEBSITE_ID'}; if($TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE eq '0') { print "some error has occured"; exit; } if($TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads_junk set FK_TBL_WEBS +ITE_ID = '$TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } $query1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_DURATION FROM tbl_duration +,tbl_leads_junk WHERE tbl_leads_junk.FK_TBL_DURATION_ID = tbl_duratio +n. TBL_DURATION_ID and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id;"); $query1->execute(); $query2=$query1->fetchrow_hashref(); $value=$query2->{'TBL_DURATION'}; if($value) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads_junk set FK_TBL_ +DURATION = '$value' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } @item4=split("_",$visittype); $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations_junk(FK_G +ENERAL_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item4[0]','$id' +,'$item4[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; foreach my $key(@theme) { my @item1; @item1=split("_",$key); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations_jun +k(FK_GENERAL_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item1[0]' +,'$id','$item1[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } foreach my $key(@destination) { my @item3; @item3=split("_",$key); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations_jun +k(FK_GENERAL_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item3[0]' +,'$id','$item3[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } } else { my $to3 = ','; my $from3 = ''; my $sub3 = "DB Error- $name,$email,$country2 "; my $message3 = "Could not connect & submit enquiry to database Name - $name Email -$email Country Code - $country2"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tbl_leads (TBL_LEAD_ID,TB +L_LEAD_NAME,TBL_LEAD_EMAIL,FK_TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE,TBL_LEAD_CITY,FK_T +BL_LANGUAGE_ID,TBL_LEAD_PHONE,FK_TBL_LEADTYPE_ID,FK_TBL_PEOPLE_ADULT_ +ID,FK_TBL_PEOPLE_KID_ID,FK_TBL_DURATION_ID,TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_DATE,TBL_ +LEAD_ARRIVAL_MONTH,TBL_LEAD_ARRIVAL_YEAR,TBL_LEAD_DESCRIPTION,TBL_LEA +D_IP,TBL_LEAD_IP_COUNTRY,TBL_LEAD_IP_CITY,FK_TBL_WEBSITE_URL,TBL_LEAD +_REFERER,TBL_LEAD_RECD_DATE_TIME,TBL_LEAD_DATE_TIME,TBL_LEAD_TIME,TBL +_LEAD_SELFURL,FK_TBL_LOGIN_AFFILIATE_ID) VALUES ('$TBL_LEAD_ID', '$na +me','$email','$country1','$city','$website_language_id2','$phone','$l +ead_type_id1','$people_adults2','$people_kids2','$duration_id2','$arr +ival_date','$arrival_month','$arrival_year','$description','$ip','$ip +_country_name','$ip_city_name','$site_name','$ref','$datetime','$date +time','$time','$refferer3','$af_id')"); $sth->execute() || Globalinit->SendMail(__FILE__,__LINE__,$to3 +,$from3,'',$sub3,$message3,''); $sth->finish; my $maxID=$dbh->prepare("SELECT max(TBL_LEAD_ID) as maxID FROM + tbl_leads"); $maxID->execute(); my $maxID1=$maxID->fetchrow_hashref(); my $id=$maxID1->{'maxID'}; my $tbl_country_query=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_COUNTRY FROM t +bl_country ,tbl_leads WHERE tbl_leads. FK_TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE = tbl_ +country. TBL_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id;"); $tbl_country_query->execute(); my $tbl_country_query2=$tbl_country_query->fetchrow_hashref(); my $tbl_country_query_value=$tbl_country_query2->{'TBL_COUNTRY +'}; if($tbl_country_query_value) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads set FK_TBL_COUNTRY = + '$tbl_country_query_value' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } my $query_budget1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_BUDGET FROM tbl_bu +dget where TBL_BUDGET_ID = $tbl_budget_id2"); $query_budget1->execute(); my $query_budget2=$query_budget1->fetchrow_hashref(); my $value_budget=$query_budget2->{'TBL_BUDGET'}; if($value_budget) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads set FK_TBL_BUDGET = +'$value_budget' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_WEBSITE_ID FROM +tbl_websites,tbl_leads WHERE tbl_leads.FK_TBL_WEBSITE_URL = tbl_websi +tes.TBL_WEBSITE_URL and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $TBL_WEBSITE_ID1->execute(); my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID2=$TBL_WEBSITE_ID1->fetchrow_hashref(); my $TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE=$TBL_WEBSITE_ID2->{'TBL_WEBSITE_ID'}; if($TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE eq '0') { print "some error has occured"; exit; } if($TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads set FK_TBL_WEBSITE_I +D = '$TBL_WEBSITE_ID_VALUE' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } $query1=$dbh->prepare("SELECT TBL_DURATION FROM tbl_duration +,tbl_leads WHERE tbl_leads.FK_TBL_DURATION_ID = tbl_duration. TBL_DUR +ATION_ID and TBL_LEAD_ID=$id;"); $query1->execute(); $query2=$query1->fetchrow_hashref(); $value=$query2->{'TBL_DURATION'}; if($value) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("update tbl_leads set FK_TBL_DURATION += '$value' where TBL_LEAD_ID=$id"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } else { print "some error has occured"; exit; } @item4=split("_",$visittype); $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations(FK_GENERAL +_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item4[0]','$id','$ite +m4[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; foreach my $key(@theme) { my @item1; @item1=split("_",$key); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations(FK_ +GENERAL_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item1[0]','$id +','$item1[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } foreach my $key(@destination) { my @item3; @item3=split("_",$key); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into tbl_leadrelations(FK_ +GENERAL_ID,FK_LEAD_ID,TBL_LEADRELATION_VALUE) values('$item3[0]','$id +','$item3[1]')"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; } } if($q->param('MYREDIRECT')) { my $redirect; $redirect = $q->param('MYREDIRECT'); #print "Location: http://$host/$redirect"; print $q->header( -location => "$redirect", -status => "302" ) +; exit; } else { print $q->header( -location => " +veform/", -status => "302" ); $incfile=''; exit; } } if($q->param('action') && $q->param('action') eq 'redirect') { $incfile=''; print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; print qq~ <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> </HEAD> <BODY> <B> your query has ben submitted</B> </BODY> </HTML>~; }
      #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI ':standard'; print header; #################### # Written by Omar # # Fall 2013 # #################### ########Scalar Varibles ######### $g1 = param('g1'); $g2 = param('g2'); $g3 = param('g3'); $g4 = param('g4'); $g5 = param('g5'); $g6 = param('g6'); ####### Main Script ######## &top; if($g1 eq '' && $g2 eq '' && $g3 eq '' && $g4 eq '' && $g5 eq '' && $g +6 eq ''){ &form; }else{ &divisor; &cal; &mistake; &letter; &display; } print end_html; ####### Subroutines ######## sub letter{ if($average >= 93){ $letter="A"; $message="Really Great Job!"; }elsif($average >= 90){ $letter="A-"; $message="Great Job!"; }elsif($average >= 88){ $letter="B+"; $message="Really Good Job!"; }elsif($average >= 83){ $letter="B"; $message="Good Job!"; }elsif($average >= 80){ $letter="B-"; $message="Nice Job!"; }elsif($average >= 77){ $letter="C+"; $message="OK job!"; }elsif($average >= 73){ $letter="C"; $message="ITs Done!"; }elsif($average >= 70){ $letter="C-"; $message="Just Barely!"; }elsif($average >= 67){ $letter="D+"; $message="Not Good enough!"; }elsif($average >= 63){ $letter="D"; $message="Not Trying!"; }else{ $letter="F"; $message="Time to tink about another program!"; } } sub cal{ $total = $g1+$g2+$g3+$g4+$g5+$g6; $average = $total/$divisor; } sub mistake{ if($g1 > 100){$message1= "check Grade";} if($g2 > 100){$message2= "check Grade";} if($g3 > 100){$message3= "check Grade";} if($g4 > 100){$message4= "check Grade";} if($g5 > 100){$message5= "check Grade";} if($g6 > 100){$message6= "check Grade";} } sub divisor{ if($g1 ne ''){$divisor++;} if($g2 ne ''){$divisor++;} if($g3 ne ''){$divisor++;} if($g4 ne ''){$divisor++;} if($g5 ne ''){$divisor++;} if($g6 ne ''){$divisor++;} } sub decrement{ $divisor = 6; if($g1 eq ''){$divisor--;} if($g2 eq ''){$divisor--;} if($g3 eq ''){$divisor--;} if($g4 eq ''){$divisor--;} if($g5 eq ''){$divisor--;} if($g6 eq ''){$divisor--;} } sub display{ print " <h2>$message</h2> <ul> <li>Grade 1: $g1 $message1 </li> <li>Grade 2: $g2 $message2 </li> <li>Grade 3: $g3 $message3</li> <li>Grade 4: $g4 $message4</li> <li>Grade 5: $g5 $message5</li> <li>Grade 6: $g6 $message6</li> <li>The total of the grades is $total.</li> <li>The Average of the grades is $average.</li> <li>The divisor is $divisor.</li> <li>The letter Grade is: $letter.</li> </ul> "; } sub form{ print " <form method='post' action=''> <ul> <li> <label for='grade1'>Grade 1 </label> <input type='text' id='grade1' name='g1' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <label for='grade2'>Grade 2 </label> <input type='text' id='grade2' name='g2' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <label for='grade3'>Grade 3 </label> <input type='text' id='grade3' name='g3' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <label for='grade4'>Grade 4 </label> <input type='text' id='grade4' name='g4' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <label for='grade5'>Grade 5 </label> <input type='text' id='grade5' name='g5' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <label for='grade6'>Grade 6 </label> <input type='text' id='grade6' name='g6' size='4'maxlength='3'> </li> <li> <input type='submit' value='Average it'/> <input type='reset' value='ReDo it'/> </li> </ul> </form> "; } sub top{ print " <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head><title>Average Script</title> <meta charset='utf-8' /> </head> <body> "; }
Re: convert perl to php quickly
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 23, 2005 at 00:04 UTC
Re: convert perl to php quickly
by Juerd (Abbot) on Jan 23, 2005 at 23:18 UTC

    It is impossible. Good luck.

Re: convert perl to php quickly
by harangzsolt33 (Chaplain) on Jan 18, 2022 at 11:06 UTC
    Are you sure that your host does not offer perl? I assume that since you have perl scripts, you looked for a host that claimed to support perl scripts. Then you singed up and paid whatever fee was required for hosting, and lo and behold you found out that your perl scripts don't work. Have you updated the .pl file permissions to 0755 on the perl scripts? If your perl scripts still do not run, well, that happened to me too once. I'm with I sent a message to tech support, and they were kind enough to respond promptly. But then nothing happened for a week. I told them if they don't turn on perl support immediately, then I will ask for my money back and go somewhere else. The next day they turned perl support on. You just have to know how to talk to them. That's all.

      You're replying to a thread from 2005, the user hasn't logged in within the last 16 years.

        Oh, then why did it pop up on the "Recent Threads" page? I don't understand this. Lol
It has all turned out luckyly! with my PHP worrys
by Mr. Lee (Scribe) on Feb 01, 2005 at 22:32 UTC
    It has all turned out luckyly!
    I am doing the PERL again and the other guy is doing the PHP then now. Lucky lucky lucky me!!!!!!

    Mr. Lee

    Edit by tye: Remove PRE tags; unconsidered (7 keep, 15 delete; too many 'keep')

      I think you should try creating a use Perl journal and posting that there :-)

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