use strict; use PDF::API2; use PDF::Reuse; # specify files my $ifile = "c:/kopie/anlage-h-beg.pdf"; my $ofile = "c:/kopie/new.pdf"; #find out number of pages my $ipdf = PDF::API2->open($ifile); my $nop = $ipdf->pages; $ipdf->end(); #set outfile for PDF::Reuse prFile($ofile); #get font my $intName = prFont("Helvetica"); # assemble watermark text my $string = # save graphic state "q\n" . # Begin Text "BT\n" . # set font and "size" "/$intName 1 Tf\n" . # set a text matrix # 1. width of text # 2. rotation angle (counterclockwise) # 3. inclination (clockwise) # 4. height of text # 5. position x (0=left) # 6. position y (0=bottom) "180 60 -60 180 100 185 Tm\n" . #set rgb-color (values between 0 and 1) #"1 0 0 rg" . #set grayscale (white=1 black=0) "0.9 g\n" . # show text "(Kopie) Tj\n" . # End Text "ET\n" . "Q\n"; #loop over pages for (my $i=1;$i<=$nop;$i++) { #add watermark prAdd ($string); #add original content my $internalName = prForm ( { file => $ifile, page => $i, effect => 'print', tolerant => 'no' } ); #add pagebreak prPage; } #save and close prEnd();