Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info davido

It's Christmas day in LA, and here's my present to the Monastery (whether you see it as a diamond or a lump of coal remains to be determined). Merry Christmas all...

This is Yet Another Attempt to gather Monastery automation tools under one roof. The following is a module, PerlMonks::Mechanized, which mechanizes many of the common PM tasks. It makes using the Monastery's XML tickers a trivial task, for example. I intend to polish it, and add features on request. For now, it just has what I have needed myself recently, plus a little more. But as requests come in, if they're well thought-out, I'll add them. I'm also very interested in comments that will help me to improve it. At this point, I don't consider any part of this module stable (not even its interface). But if people like it, I'll stabilize it, properly document it, and continue adding to it/ maintaining it. For now, this is a rough-draft.

It uses $ENV{PMPASS} and $ENV{PMUSER} for login info, or you can supply them as user, passwd to my $monk = PerlMonks::Mechanize->new($user,$passwd);

Here is a simple example...

use strict; use warnings; use PerlMonks::Mechanized; my $monk = PerlMonks::Mechanized->new(); $monk->say( "Hello. This is a PerlMonks::Mechanized test." );

The preceeding code assumes you've set your login env variables. The code only logs you in to the Monastery if the action you're requesting requires a login. Otherwise, you stay logged out. Login is on demand, assuming you've supplied the proper login info. Janitors can also use this for node edits / retitling. I'll be reworking the retitler to take advantage of this module's features.

The code is well commented. Start your reading at the beginning of the PerlMonks::Mechanized package (ie, ignore the Janitor package until you've read PM::Mech first. Then if you're a janitor, go back and read the Janitor class). All public functions are documented at least enough that with the help of Data::Dumper you'll know what they're doing.



  • PM::Mech::Janitor fixes (updated to v0.6):
    • Renamed Janitor class to PerlMonks::Mechanized::Janitor (more sensible)
    • PM::Mech::Janitor bug fixed where W::Mech was misspelled. Woops.
    • PM::Mech::Janitor's version number goes to 0.6.
  • PM::Mechanized fixes (updated to v0.6)
    • Repaired login detection to work with PM::M::Janitor
  • URL fix, per Dietz.
    • PM::M becomes v0.61. Added trailing '/' to URL.

# PerlMonks::Mechanized
# and its helper class 'PM::Mech::Janitor'.
# Start by creating a PerlMonks::Mechanized->new() object.
# If needed, login info can be stored in $ENV{PMPASS}, $ENV{PMUSER}.
# To override default site URL, set $ENV{PMSITE} to full URL.
# Janitor object is returned by the PerlMonks::Mechanized->janitor()
# method.  Don't call Janitor->new() directly.
# Read on, for details.

package PerlMonks::Mechanized::Janitor;

use strict;
use warnings;

use WWW::Mechanize; # Needs a new WWW::Mech object in order to 
                    # implement rollback / commit.

# Janitor class: Returned by janitor() method of PM::Mech.  First 
# call must be to $janitor->fetch().  After that initial hit, no
# server hits will occur until $janitor->commit() is invoked.
# You may spawn multiple janitors, for full cached transactions.
# Each Janitor invokes a new WWW::Mechanize object.

# Returns a Janitor object.

sub new {
    my( $class, $monk, $id ) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{monk} = $monk;
    $self->{id} = $id;
    $self->{agent} = WWW::Mechanize->new( 
        'autocheck' => 1,
        'agent' => 'PM::Mech::Janitor0.6'
    $self->{site} = $self->{monk}{site};
    $self->{fetched} = 0;
    return bless $self, $class;

# If passed the argument of "unconsider", the target node will be
# unconsidered.
# Must fetch() before using any of the other methods in this class.
# No return value.

sub fetch {
    my( $self, $unconsider ) = @_;
    my $uncon_URI = '';
            defined( $unconsider ) 
        and $unconsider =~ /^Un/i
    ) {
        $uncon_URI =   ";op=consider;"
                     . "$self->{id}=unconsider";
        . '?node_id='
        . $self->{id}
        . ';displaytype=editors'
        . $self->{monk}->_login_URI('force')
        . $uncon_URI
        or die "Unable to fetch Janitors view of $self->{id}.\n";
    $self->{fetched} = 1;

sub get_title {
    my $self = shift;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    my $form = $self->{agent}->form_name( 'edit_node' );
    $form or die "Couldn't find 'edit_node' form in get_title.\n";
    return $form->value( 'update_title', 1 );

sub set_title {
    my( $self, $title ) = @_;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    $self->{agent}->field( 'update_title', $title );

sub get_author {
    my $self = shift;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    my $content = $self->{agent}->content();
    my $author = '';
    if( $content =~ 
            m/\s+by\s+<a HREF="\?node_id=\d+">([^<]+)<\/a>/i ) {
        $author = $1;
    } else {
        die   "Couldn't ascertain the author while scraping the "
            . "editor view of ID: $self->{id}.\n";
    return $author;

sub get_doctext {
    my $self = shift;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    my $form = $self->{agent}->form_name( 'edit_node' );
    $form or die "Couldn't find 'edit_node' form in get_doctext.\n";
    return $form->value( 'update_doctext', 1 );

sub set_doctext {
    my( $self, $text ) = @_;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    $self->{agent}->field( 'update_doctext', $text );

# Commits the changes made.  The only change that cannot be rolled-
# back is the "unconsider" change.  Sorry 'bout that. ;)

sub commit {
    my $self = shift;
    _verify_fetch( $self );
    $self->{agent}->current_form->value( 'blah', 'update' );
    $self->{agent}->click( 'blah' );
        or die "Couldn't commit changes to $self->{id}.\n";

# Private Janitor class function.

sub _verify_fetch {
    my $self = shift;
    die "ID: $self->{id} hasn't been fetched yet.\n"
        unless $self->{fetched};


package PerlMonks::Mechanized;

# This is your starting point.  ...Create a new
# PerlMonks::Mechanized object, and have fun with it.
# Logins are not performed unless they are needed for the activity
# you're requesting.  If a login is needed, it will be done 
# automatically if you passed ( user, password ) to new(), or if 
# $ENV{PMUSER} and $ENV{PMPASS} are set.  Logins are automatic, and
# on-demand.  However, once logged in, you stay logged in until
# your PM::Mech object is destroyed.

use strict;
use warnings;

use WWW::Mechanize;
use XML::Simple;

our $SITE = exists( $ENV{PMSITE} ) 
                ? $ENV{PMSITE} 
                : '';

# Call new() to create PM::Mech object. Call with ( $user, $pass )
# to log in on demand, or set $ENV{} variables for on-demand login.
# If no login info is supplied through new() or $ENV, you can only
# do things that don't require login.  You don't need to explicitly
# log in. If you have supplied the proper info, it will happen when
# needed, transparently.

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $obj = {};
    $obj->{user}   = defined( $_[0] ) 
                     ? $_[0] 
                     : defined( $ENV{PMUSER} )
                       ? $ENV{PMUSER}
                       : '';
    $obj->{passwd} = defined( $_[1] ) 
                     ? $_[1] 
                     : defined( $ENV{PMPASS} )
                       ? $ENV{PMPASS}
                       : '';
    $obj->{logged_in} = 0;
    $obj->{login_phrase} = ( $obj->{user} && $obj->{passwd} ) ?
        . "passwd=$obj->{passwd};expires=+10y"
        : '';
    $obj->{site} = $SITE;
    $obj->{agent} = WWW::Mechanize->new( 
        'autocheck' => 1,
        'agent' => 'PM::Mech0.61'
    bless $obj, $class;

# Given a base thread ID, returns a datastructure containing
# The thread's ID's.  Uses the XML ticker, "xml node thread", at
# id://180684.

sub threaded_ids {
    my( $self, $base ) = @_;
        $self->{agent}->get(   $self->{site}
                             . "?node_id=180684;id=$base" );
        or die "Unable to fetch thread ticker for id = $base.\n";
    my $struct = XMLin( 
        ForceArray => 1,
        KeepRoot   => 1
    return $struct;

# Given a base thread ID, returns a flat list of thread ID's.
# Uses the XML ticker, "xml node thread", at id://180684.

sub thread_list {
    my( $self, $base ) = @_;
    my $structref = threaded_ids( $self, $base );
    return [ 
        sort { $a <=> $b } _flatten_thread( $structref )

# Returns a datastructure containing info about a node or list of
# nodes.  Uses the XML ticker, "Node Query XML Generator", 
# at id://37150.  Accepts a node id or list of nodes.

sub node_info {
    my( $self, @ids ) = @_;
        . "?node_id=37150;nodes="
        . join( ',', @ids )
        . ';xmlstyle=flat'
        or die "Unable to fetch node query XML generator.\n";
    return  XMLin( 
                ForceArray => 1

# Calls get_node_info() with a single ID or list of nodes.
# Returns an array of arrays holding id/title pairs.  Relies on
# "Node Query XML Generator", at id://37150.

sub node_titles {
    my( $self, @ids ) = @_;
    my $info = node_info( $self, @ids );
    return [ 
        map { [ $_->{node_id}, $_->{content} ] } 
            @{ $info } 

# Grab user stats.  Uses the XP XML Ticker (id://16046).
# See the PM FAQ for details about valid args, and their meanings.

sub user_stats {
    my( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $parameters = '';
    foreach( ( 'for_user', 'showlevels', 
               'for_userid','shownorm', 'showall' ) ) {
        $parameters .=  exists( $params{$_} )
                          ? ";$_=$params{$_}"
                          : '';
        . "?node_id=16046;xmlstyle=flat"
        . $parameters
        . $self->_login_URI()
        or die "Unable to fetch user stats ticker.\n";
    return  XMLin(
                ForceArray => 1

# Reads the New Chatterbox XML Ticker (id://207304) and returns a
# ref to a LoL structure of CB traffic.

sub chatterbox {
    my $self = shift;
        . "?node_id=207304"
        or die "Unable to fetch Chatterbox content XML generator.\n";
    return   XMLin(
                ForceArray => 1

# Talks in the CB.  Messages can't be longer than 250 characters.

sub say {
    my( $self, $message ) = @_;
    if( length( $message ) > 250 ) {
        $message = substr $message, 0, 250;
        . '?' . $self->_login_URI
        . ';node_id=16046;op=message;message='
        . $message
        or die "Unable to talk in the CB.\n";

# Returns logged-in user's private messages in a datastructure.
# Uses the Private Message XML Ticker (id://15848).  See 
# node_id=379320 for information on how the parameter fields work.

sub private_message {
    my( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $parameters = '';
    foreach( ( 'max_recs', 'since_id', 'prior_to', 'archived' ) ) {
        $parameters .= exists( $params{$_} )
                         ? ";$_=$params{$_}"
                         : '';
        . "?node_id=15848;xmlstyle=clean"
        . $parameters
        . $self->_login_URI()
        or die "Unable to fetch Private Message ticker.\n";
    return  XMLin(
                ForceArray => 1

# Reads the 'Other Users XML Ticker' (id://15851) and returns a ref
# to a list of other users currently logged in to the Monastery.

sub other_users {
    my $self = shift;
        . "?node_id=15851"
        or die "Unable to fetch Other Users XML generator.\n";
    return  XMLin( 
                ForceArray => 1

# Uses the 'displaytype=xml;xmlstyle=flat' ticker to grab an entire
# single node and any available related info for that node.  The 
# data is plopped into a datastructure that mirrors the original
# XML tags, which in turn, mirror PM database columns.

sub node_content {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
        . "?node_id=$id;displaytype=xml;xmlstyle=flat"
        or die "Unable to fetch node ID: $id\n";
    return XMLin( $self->{agent}->content() );

# Uses the Scratchpad Viewer's XML displaytype (id://108949) to get
# a user's scratchpad.  An attempt will be made to log self in, if
# possible.  If the logged-in user is the same as the user who's pad
# we're retrieving, the private portion will also be retrieved.
# This returns a datastructure.

sub scratchpad {
    my( $self, $pad ) = @_;
    $pad = ( defined $pad ) ? $pad : $self->{user};
        . "?node_id=108949;user=$pad;passthrough=1"
        . ';displaytype=xml;xmlstyle=flat'
        . $self->_login_URI()
        or die "Unable to fetch scratchpad for $pad.\n";
    return  XMLin(
                ForceArray => 1

# This sub uses the Newest Nodes XML Generator (id://30175) to get
# a list of newest nodes.  See the PerlMonks FAQ for a description
# of what "types=" options you have.  You may optionally specify
# whether to use xmlstyle=flat (default) or xmlstyle=rss.
# You may specify sinceunixtime=epocseconds, or days=decimal to
# get up to 8 days worth of newest nodes.
# "types" should be passed in as 'types=>[type,type,type]'
# Optional params should be passed as a hashref.
# Currently no validity checking is really done on params passed
# to the method.

sub newest_nodes {
    my( $self, %params ) = @_;
        . '?node_id=30175;xmlstyle='
        . (
            exists( $params{xmlstyle} ) 
                ? $params{xmlstyle}
                : 'flat'
        . (
            exists( $params{days} )
                ? ';days=' . $params{days}
                : ''
        . (
            exists( $params{sinceunixtime} )
                ? ';sinceunixtime=' . $params{sinceunixtime}
                : ''
        . (
            exists( $params{types} ) 
                ?   ';types=' 
                  . join( ',', @{$params{types}} )
                : ''
        or die "Unable to fetch newest nodes.\n";
    return  XMLin(
                ForceArray => 1

# This sub fetches the displaytype=editors view of the node
# indicated in $id.  It returns an object of class Janitors with 
# the following methods:
# fetch(), get_title(), set_title(), get_author(), get_doctext(),
# set_doctext(), and commit().  You must always fetch() first, and
# after that, the rest of the methods will have relevancy.

sub janitor {
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;
    return PerlMonks::Mechanized::Janitor->new( $self, $id );

# Private class subs.  Please don't use these externally.

# Called by methods that need the user to be logged in.
# If the user is already logged in, this sub returns empty string.
# If user isn't logged in, and it is possible to do so, this sub
# returns a URI suffix to log the user in.

sub _login_URI {
    my( $self, $independant_agent ) = @_;
    my $login = '';
    my $logged_in = $self->{logged_in}; # Save old state.
    my $independant; # Flag for independant agent.
        defined( $independant_agent ) 
        and $independant_agent
    ) {
        $self->{logged_in} = 0;
        $independant = 1;
            $self->{logged_in} == 0
        and $self->{login_phrase}
    ) {
        $login = $self->{login_phrase};
        $self->{logged_in} = 1;
    if( $independant ) {
        # if this is an independant agent, restore 
        # original login flag state.
        $self->{logged_in} = $logged_in;
    return $login;

# Used by get_thread_list() to flatten return value from 
# get_thread_ids().

sub _flatten_thread {
    my @nodes;
    foreach my $key ( keys %{$_[0]} ) {
        if ( ref( $_[0]->{$key} ) ) {
            push @nodes, _flatten_thread( $_[0]->{$key} );
        if ( $key =~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
            push @nodes, $key;
    return @nodes;
