bronto has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello all

I am in charge of rewriting in Perl a bash-application; my Perl program would fork N children to do the same job on different partitions of input data. Each child would write on the same log file, and obviously in a safe manner.

I dug into PerlMonks and to find the solution, and found some on both. At the two extremes there are an hand-crafted solution and Log::Log4perl.

Log::Log4perl is so feature-rich and flexible that, paradoxically, seems a bit overkill for what I am going to do; I'd prefer a simpler module, if at all possible.

So, before going through L::L4p, I would like to know if there is any simpler, multiprocess-enabled logging module. A search on cpan returns a lot of modules (677 at the moment I am writing this), that are far too much to examine one-by-one; I tried anyway, but for many of them the documentation doesn't tell about the multiprocessing support, and I should go for the source...

Any good advice?

Thanks in advance

Update: Added "simple" to node title


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