I'll make this short. The title says most of it. In an attempt to end what I started (god, I can't say how sorry I am for causing all this), let's just have short responses from everyone to say they agree or do not. Sort of an informal poll I suppose.

Let's make a monk's deal that:

I've distilled these three things from everything I've read on this. I think they capture everyone's thoughts. Of course, they are guidelines and there might be exceptions to everything EXCEPT the part about clearing what you do with the people quoted. Just say if you agree or not. After this, assuming these are acceptable to all, monks can refer to this node as the de facto standard of CB logging if and when it comes up again.

this makes me wish we had a secret handshake, it would be appropriate to use it after this...

<myExperience> $mostLanguages = 'Designed for engineers by engineers.'; $perl = 'Designed for people who speak by a linguist.'; </myExperience>