Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info Thomas Stanley
Description: After seeing brian_d_foy describe how he used PDF::Create and PDF::Labels to create some mailing labels, I decided to expand on his code a little bit, and wrap it in a Tk based gui.
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;
use PDF::Create;
use PDF::Labels;

my %Address_List; 
my $cntr=0;
my $VERSION='0.01';

my $Main=new MainWindow;
my $MenuFrame=$Main->Frame(-relief=>'flat',-borderwidth=>2);

my $lblpos=$Main->Label(-text=>'Default Label Position:');
my $pos=$Main->Entry(-width=>2);

my $un=$Main->Label(-text=>'Name:');
my $name=$Main->Entry(-width=>40);

my $Addr=$Main->Label(-text=>'Street:');
my $str=$Main->Entry(-width=>40);

my $CSZ=$Main->Label(-text=>'City, State Zip-Code');
my $csz=$Main->Entry(-width=>40);

my $AddBtn=$Main->Button(-text=>'Add',-command=>sub{Add_List($name,$st
my $CrtBtn=$Main->Button(-text=>'Create PDF',-command=>sub{Create_PDF(
my $ExtBtn=$Main->Button(-text=>'Exit',-command=>sub{ Exit()});


sub Add_List{
  my $N=$Name->get;
  my $S=$Str->get;
  my $C=$Csz->get;

sub Create_PDF{
  my $position=shift;
  my $p=$position->get;
  if($p eq ""){ $p = 0; }  
  my $pdf = new PDF::Labels(
  foreach my $key(keys %Address_List){

sub Clear{

sub About{
  my $about=$Main->Dialog(-title=>'About PDF Label Maker',-text=>"PDF 
+Label Maker Version $VERSION\n  Written by Thomas Stanley",-default_b

sub Exit{
    exit 0;

sub Done{
  my $Done=$Main->Dialog(-title=>'File Created',-text=>"Labels.pdf was
+ created",-default_button=>'Ok');