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Re: Problem with read()

by fglock (Vicar)
on Dec 09, 2004 at 13:17 UTC ( [id://413523]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Problem with read()

Maybe the file has UTF8 characters on it? From the "read" docs (perldoc -f read):

Note the characters: depending on the status of the filehandle, either (8-bit) bytes or characters are read. By default all filehandles operate on bytes, but for example if the filehandle has been opened with the ":utf8" I/O layer (see "open", and the "open" pragma, open), the I/O will operate on UTF-8 encoded Unicode characters, not bytes. Similarly for the ":encoding" pragma: in that case pretty much any characters can be read.

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