#!/usr/bin/perl # urdu.pl, written by Mike Foster # feel free to reuse, modify, redistribute, # bend, fold, staple, or mutilate. use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $lastlength=1; my $lastdepth=1; my $mw = MainWindow->new( -background=>"darkviolet" ); $mw->title('Right-to-left text entry'); my $t1 = $mw->Text( -background=>"navy", -foreground=>"white", -height=>35, -width=>80, -wrap=>"word", -selectbackground=>"blueviolet" )->pack; $t1->bind("" => \&rtl); sub rtl { #gets end position my $depth = $t1->index('end'); #reduces to line $depth =~ s/\..*$//; #converts back to an integer $depth--; if ($lastdepth < $depth) { $t1->SetCursor('insert - 1 lines lineend'); } #remember where we were $lastdepth = $depth; #gets end of current line my $length = $t1->index('insert lineend'); #reduces to character number $length =~ s/^.*\.//; #converts back to integer $length++; if ($lastlength < $length) { $t1->SetCursor('insert - 1 chars'); } #remember where we were $lastlength = $length; } MainLoop;