package PetStore; use strict; use Catalyst '-Debug'; # Application name PetStore->config->name('Catalyst PetStore'); # Root directory for additional files PetStore->config->root('/home/sri/PetStore/web'); # Base uri for our application PetStore->config->base('http://localhost/petstore'); # Session settings PetStore->config->session( class => 'Apache::Session::Postgres', options => { DataSource => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=petstore', TableName => 'session', UserName => 'postgres', Password => 0, Commit => 1 } ); # Actions PetStore->action( # Built in action that'll get called at the end of a request, # we use it for the view here, # which in this case is YAML REST or TT2 _end => sub { # form() returns a Data::FormValidator::Results object that # will be automatically initialised when you use it if ( form->valid('rest') ) { # trunk is our universal data container to exchange # informations between actions and methods trunk( content_type => 'text/plain' ); call('PetStore::View::REST'); } else { # Set a default template trunk( template => '' ); call('PetStore::View::TT'); } }, # Built in action that'll get called once at startup time to # initialze your environment '_setup' => sub { # setup initializes a Catalyst component for you setup('PetStore::Model::Cart'); setup( 'PetStore::Model::CDBI', base => 'Catalyst::Model::CDBI', dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=petstore', user => 'postgres', password => '', options => { AutoCommit => 1 } ); setup( 'PetStore::View::REST', base => 'Catalyst::View::REST::YAML' ); setup( 'PetStore::View::TT', base => 'Catalyst::View::TT' ); }, # Private action to publish the cart _cart_to_objects => sub { call(qw(PetStore::Model::Cart items_to_objects)); call(qw(PetStore::Model::CDBI::Item describe_cart_items)); call(qw(PetStore::Model::CDBI::Category describe_cart_items)); }, # Private action to to publish categories _categories_to_objects => sub { call(qw(PetStore::Model::CDBI::Category list)); }, # Start page 'index.html' => sub { trunk( template => '' ); # Merge with the existing Data::FormValidator::Results object # or create a new one form( required => ['yada'] ); # Include a private action at this point include('_categories_to_objects'); }, # Show and edit the cart 'cart.html' => sub { trunk( template => '' ); call(qw(PetStore::Model::Cart add)) if form->valid('add'); call(qw(PetStore::Model::Cart update)) if form->valid('update'); include('_cart_to_objects'); }, # Show products in category 'category.html' => sub { roles(qw(foo bar)); trunk( template => '' ); call(qw(PetStore::Controller::CDBI::Product list)); } ); 1;