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plong - a pong clone with SWF::File

by teabag (Pilgrim)
on Nov 23, 2004 at 19:16 UTC ( [id://409968]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info teabag
Description: creates a Flash (SWF) file of the classic pong using the SWF::File module. You can dump compiled flash-files with this module and change variables, colors or even symbols and animations in the script.

I had to cut down the size of the script for it to be posted here (64k max) so be sure to feed it to perltidy if you don't like the formatting.

I know it's a whole lot of code for such a simple game, but I didn't see any SWF::File code here and it deserves some attention. Next time I'll show an example of Ming Perl

update:Working output example for belg4mit.


# by teabag
# creates a pong clone with the SWF::File module

use strict;
use SWF::Element;
use SWF::File;

# gamename
my $gamename = "plong";

# nr. of lives
my $life = 3;

#speed changes after $speedchange hits
my $speedchange = 5;

# speed changes with $speedincrease each time
my $speedincrease = 3;

# framerate, lower is slower
my $framerate = 36;

# generate html pages with the game embedded. Value can be 1 or 0 (def
+ault = 0)
my $genhtml = 0;

# bg color of the html page / this changes the bg of the movie too!
my $htmlcolor = "#33CC00";

# Config ends here

my $tag     = "SWF::Element::Tag";
my $element = "SWF::Element";
my $shap    = "SWF::Element::SHAPE";
my $actar   = "SWF::Element::Array::ACTIONDATAARRAY";
my $shape   = "SWF::Element::Array::SHAPERECORDARRAY";
my $shape1  = "SWF::Element::Array::SHAPERECORDARRAY1";
my $shape3  = "SWF::Element::SHAPEWITHSTYLE1";
my $defshape     = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineShape";
my $edittext     = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineEditText";
my $rect    = "SWF::Element::RECT";
my $rgb     = "SWF::Element::RGBA";
my $rgb2    = "SWF::Element::RGB";
my $fillarray    = "SWF::Element::Array::FILLSTYLEARRAY1";
my $linearray    = "SWF::Element::Array::LINESTYLEARRAY1";
my $fillstyle    = "SWF::Element::FILLSTYLE1";
my $linestyle    = "SWF::Element::LINESTYLE1";
my $buttonrec    = "SWF::Element::Array::BUTTONRECORDARRAY2";
my $buttonarray  = "SWF::Element::Array::BUTTONCONDACTIONARRAY";
my $buttonaction = "SWF::Element::BUTTONCONDACTION";
my $buttonrec2   = "SWF::Element::BUTTONRECORD2";
my $defbutton    = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineButton2";
my $matrix  = "SWF::Element::MATRIX";
my $actionarray  = "SWF::Element::Array::ACTIONRECORDARRAY";
my $goto    = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionGotoFrame";
my $actionrec    = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD";
my $actionjump   = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionJump";
my $actionif     = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionIf";
my $actiontarget = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionSetTarget";
my $actiongoto   = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionGotoLabel";
my $codetable    = "SWF::Element::Array::CODETABLE";
my $sprite  = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineSprite";
my $tagarray     = "SWF::Element::Array::TAGARRAY";
my $booldata     = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::Boolean";
my $glypshape    = "SWF::Element::Array::GLYPHSHAPEARRAY2";
my $deffont = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineFont2";
my $actionpool   = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionConstantPool";
my $actionpush   = "SWF::Element::ACTIONRECORD::ActionPush";
my $placeobj     = "SWF::Element::Tag::PlaceObject2";
my $showframe    = "SWF::Element::Tag::ShowFrame";
my $bg      = "SWF::Element::Tag::SetBackgroundColor";
my $doaction     = "SWF::Element::Tag::DoAction";
my $removeobj    = "SWF::Element::Tag::RemoveObject2";
my $doubleaction = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::Double";
my $stringaction = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::String";
my $framelabel   = "SWF::Element::Tag::FrameLabel";
my $definetext   = "SWF::Element::Tag::DefineText";
my $textarray    = "SWF::Element::Array::TEXTRECORDARRAY1";
my $textrec = "SWF::Element::TEXTRECORD1::TYPE1";
my $textrec2     = "SWF::Element::TEXTRECORD::TYPE0";
my $glyphar = "SWF::Element::Array::GLYPHENTRYARRAY";
my $glyphentry   = "SWF::Element::GLYPHENTRY";
my $tagend  = "SWF::Element::Tag::End";
my $lookup  = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::Lookup";
my $stringar     = "SWF::Element::Array::STRINGARRAY";
my $actionint    = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::Integer";
my $property     = "SWF::Element::ACTIONDATA::Property";

my $new = SWF::File->new("$gamename\.swf");

$new->FrameSize( 0, 0, 15400, 7000 );

    BackgroundColor => $rgb2->new(
   Red => 51,
   Green => 204,
   Blue  => 0,

    Actions => $actionarray->new( [
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionEnd',
   ] ),

    Name => "start",

    FontID   => 1,
    FontFlags  => 4,
    LanguageCode  => 1,
    FontName => "Arial",
    GlyphShapeTable => $glypshape->new( [
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 195,
 MoveDeltaY => -102,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => 102,
 DeltaX => -102,
 DeltaY => 0,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => -102,
 DeltaX => 102,
 DeltaY => 0,
 MoveDeltaX => 93,
 MoveDeltaY => -428,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => -103,
 DeltaX => 102,
 DeltaY => 0,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => 103,
 DeltaX => -102,
 DeltaY => 0,
    ] ),
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 282,
 MoveDeltaY => -543,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 87,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 55,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 44,
 ControlDeltaX => 55,
 ControlDeltaY => 44,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 15,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 80,
 DeltaX => -87,
 DeltaY => 14,
 ControlDeltaX => -13,
 ControlDeltaY => -54,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -31,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -27,
 ControlDeltaX => -32,
 ControlDeltaY => -27,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -45,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -68,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -43,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 49,
 ControlDeltaX => -42,
 ControlDeltaY => 49,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 105,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => 107,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 41,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 49,
 ControlDeltaX => 41,
 ControlDeltaY => 48,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 66,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 53,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 35,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -32,
 ControlDeltaX => 36,
 ControlDeltaY => -33,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 9,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -67,
 DeltaX => 89,
 DeltaY => 11,
 ControlDeltaX => -15,
 ControlDeltaY => 92,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -59,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 52,
 ControlDeltaX => -60,
 ControlDeltaY => 51,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -87,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -109,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -66,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -71,
 ControlDeltaX => -67,
 ControlDeltaY => -71,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -133,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -86,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 29,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -65,
 ControlDeltaX => 28,
 ControlDeltaY => -64,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 59,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -32,
 ControlDeltaX => 58,
 ControlDeltaY => -33,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 68,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
    ] ),
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 136,
 MoveDeltaY => -316,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 DeltaX => 296,
 DeltaY => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -6,
 ControlDeltaY => -67,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -28,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -34,
 ControlDeltaX => -43,
 ControlDeltaY => -52,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -68,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -62,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -42,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 42,
 ControlDeltaX => -43,
 ControlDeltaY => 41,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -4,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 70,
 MoveDeltaX => 376,
 MoveDeltaY => -88,
 ControlDeltaX => 35,
 ControlDeltaY => -26,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 20,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -57,
 DeltaX => 93,
 DeltaY => 12,
 ControlDeltaX => -22,
 ControlDeltaY => 81,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -59,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 45,
 ControlDeltaX => -60,
 ControlDeltaY => 45,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -92,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -117,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -68,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -71,
 ControlDeltaX => -68,
 ControlDeltaY => -72,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -130,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -134,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 69,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -74,
 ControlDeltaX => 69,
 ControlDeltaY => -74,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 110,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 106,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 68,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 73,
 ControlDeltaX => 67,
 ControlDeltaY => 72,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 132,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => 24,
 DeltaX => -396,
 DeltaY => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 5,
 ControlDeltaY => 87,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 44,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 47,
 ControlDeltaX => 45,
 ControlDeltaY => 46,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 66,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 50,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 35,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -26,
    ] ),
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 127,
 MoveDeltaY => -265,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => 102,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 44,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 51,
 ControlDeltaX => 45,
 ControlDeltaY => 50,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 67,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 67,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 45,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -51,
 ControlDeltaX => 44,
 ControlDeltaY => -51,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -104,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -99,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -44,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -50,
 ControlDeltaX => -45,
 ControlDeltaY => -51,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -67,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -67,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -45,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 50,
 ControlDeltaX => -44,
 ControlDeltaY => 51,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 102,
 MoveDeltaX => 116,
 MoveDeltaY => -484,
 ControlDeltaX => 69,
 ControlDeltaY => -59,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 98,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 110,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 69,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 72,
 ControlDeltaX => 70,
 ControlDeltaY => 72,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 126,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => 103,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -31,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 59,
 ControlDeltaX => -31,
 ControlDeltaY => 58,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -58,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 33,
 ControlDeltaX => -59,
 ControlDeltaY => 32,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -70,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -111,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -69,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -71,
 ControlDeltaX => -69,
 ControlDeltaY => -72,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -134,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -148,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 82,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -71,
    ] ),
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 148,
 MoveDeltaY => -531,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => 81,
 ControlDeltaX => 31,
 ControlDeltaY => -57,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 26,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -18,
 ControlDeltaX => 26,
 ControlDeltaY => -18,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 32,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 45,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 47,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 29,
 DeltaX => -31,
 DeltaY => 84,
 ControlDeltaX => -33,
 ControlDeltaY => -20,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -33,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -29,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -24,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 18,
 ControlDeltaX => -23,
 ControlDeltaY => 18,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -10,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 31,
 ControlDeltaX => -15,
 ControlDeltaY => 48,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 57,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => 278,
 DeltaX => -90,
 DeltaY => 0,
 DeltaX => 0,
 DeltaY => -531,
 DeltaX => 81,
 DeltaY => 0,
    ] ),
     ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
 MoveDeltaX => 352,
 MoveDeltaY => -525,
 FillStyle1 => 1,
 LineStyle  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 47,
 ControlDeltaY => 18,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 23,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 31,
 ControlDeltaX => 22,
 ControlDeltaY => 31,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 9,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 51,
 DeltaX => -88,
 DeltaY => 12,
 ControlDeltaX => -6,
 ControlDeltaY => -41,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -29,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -23,
 ControlDeltaX => -29,
 ControlDeltaY => -23,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -52,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -62,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -27,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 21,
 ControlDeltaX => -26,
 ControlDeltaY => 20,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 28,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => 17,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 11,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 14,
 ControlDeltaX => 11,
 ControlDeltaY => 15,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 23,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 9,
 DeltaX => 80,
 DeltaY => 23,
 DeltaX => 133,
 DeltaY => 42,
 ControlDeltaX => 38,
 ControlDeltaY => 16,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 21,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 31,
 ControlDeltaX => 22,
 ControlDeltaY => 31,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 46,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => 45,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -26,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 40,
 ControlDeltaX => -27,
 ControlDeltaY => 40,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -49,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 22,
 ControlDeltaX => -50,
 ControlDeltaY => 21,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -62,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => -104,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -54,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -43,
 ControlDeltaX => -54,
 ControlDeltaY => -43,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -15,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -84,
 DeltaX => 89,
 DeltaY => -14,
 ControlDeltaX => 7,
 ControlDeltaY => 53,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 35,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 29,
 ControlDeltaX => 34,
 ControlDeltaY => 28,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 61,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
 ControlDeltaX => 62,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 30,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -25,
 ControlDeltaX => 30,
 ControlDeltaY => -25,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -34,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -31,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -26,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -17,
 ControlDeltaX => -19,
 ControlDeltaY => -12,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -73,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -19,
 ControlDeltaX => -99,
 ControlDeltaY => -25,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -38,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -18,
 ControlDeltaX => -39,
 ControlDeltaY => -18,
 AnchorDeltaX  => -19,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -32,
 ControlDeltaX => -20,
 ControlDeltaY => -33,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -39,
 ControlDeltaX => 0,
 ControlDeltaY => -35,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 16,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -30,
 ControlDeltaX => 16,
 ControlDeltaY => -31,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 28,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -20,
 ControlDeltaX => 21,
 ControlDeltaY => -15,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 37,
 AnchorDeltaY  => -11,
 DeltaX => 77,
 DeltaY => -11,
 ControlDeltaX => 63,
 ControlDeltaY => 0,
 AnchorDeltaX  => 47,
 AnchorDeltaY  => 18,
    ] ),
   ] ),
    CodeTable => $codetable->new( [
 58, 99, 101, 111, 114, 115,
   ] ),

    CharacterID => 2,
    Bounds => $rect->new(
   Xmin => -40,
   Ymin => -40,
   Xmax => 700,
   Ymax => 324,
    Flags => 12301,
    FontID   => 1,
    FontHeight => 240,
    TextColor  => $rgb->new(
   Red => 255,
   Green => 255,
   Blue  => 255,
   Alpha => 255,
    Align => 0,
    LeftMargin => 0,
    RightMargin  => 0,
    Indent  => 0,
    Leading => 40,
    VariableName => "life",
    Flags  => 6,
    Depth  => 7,
    CharacterID => 2,
    Matrix => $matrix->new(
   ScaleX => 1,
   ScaleY => 1,
   RotateSkew0 => 0,
   RotateSkew1 => 0,
   TranslateX  => 14738,
   TranslateY  => 516,
    Actions => $actionarray->new( [
     Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
     ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionCallMethod',
     Tag => 'ActionPop',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGreater',
     Tag => 'ActionNot',
     Tag   => 'ActionIf',
     BranchOffset => "A#195",
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionDivide',
     Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionLess2',
     Tag => 'ActionNot',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionDivide',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionGreater',
     Tag => 'ActionNot',
     Tag => 'ActionAnd',
     Tag => 'ActionNot',
     Tag   => 'ActionIf',
     BranchOffset => "A#122",
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionMultiply',
     Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionEquals2',
     Tag => 'ActionNot',
     Tag   => 'ActionIf',
     BranchOffset => "B#38",
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionSetTarget',
     LocalLabel => "B",
     TargetName => "/action",
     Tag => 'ActionGotoLabel',
     Label => "up",
     Tag => 'ActionPlay',
     Tag => 'ActionSetTarget',
     TargetName => "",
     Tag => 'ActionEnd',
     LocalLabel => "A",
   ] ),

    Name => "loop",

    Actions => $actionarray->new( [
     Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
     ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionStartDrag',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionPush',
     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
     Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
     Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
     Tag => 'ActionEnd',
   ] ),

    ShapeID   => 3,
    ShapeBounds => $rect->new(
   Xmin => -640,
   Ymin => -60,
   Xmax => 640,
   Ymax => 60,
    Shapes => $shape3->new(
   FillStyles => $fillarray->new( [
    FillStyleType => 0,
    Color  => $rgb2->new(
  Red => 255,
  Green => 255,
  Blue  => 255,
 ] ),
   ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
    MoveDeltaX => -640,
    MoveDeltaY => -60,
    FillStyle1 => 1,
    DeltaX => 1280,
    DeltaY => 0,
    DeltaX => 0,
    DeltaY => 120,
    DeltaX => -1280,
    DeltaY => 0,
    DeltaX => 0,
    DeltaY => -120,
 ] ),
    SpriteID  => 4,
    FrameCount  => 1,
    ControlTags => $tagarray->new( [
     Flags  => 6,
     Depth  => 1,
     CharacterID => 3,
     Matrix => $matrix->new(
    ScaleX => 1,
    ScaleY => 1,
    RotateSkew0 => 0,
    RotateSkew1 => 0,
    TranslateX  => 0,
    TranslateY  => 0,
   ] ),
    Flags  => 54,
    Depth  => 1,
    CharacterID => 4,
    Matrix => $matrix->new(
   ScaleX => 0.9375,
   ScaleY => 1,
   RotateSkew0 => 0,
   RotateSkew1 => 0,
   TranslateX  => 1020,
   TranslateY  => 6938,
    Ratio => 1,
    Name  => "bat",
    ShapeID   => 5,
    ShapeBounds => $rect->new(
   Xmin => -110,
   Ymin => -110,
   Xmax => 110,
   Ymax => 110,
    Shapes => $shape3->new(
   FillStyles => $fillarray->new( [
    FillStyleType => 0,
    Color  => $rgb2->new(
  Red => 255,
  Green => 255,
  Blue  => 255,
 ] ),
   ShapeRecords => $shape1->new( [
    MoveDeltaX => 78,
    MoveDeltaY => -78,
    FillStyle1 => 1,
    ControlDeltaX => 32,
    ControlDeltaY => 32,
    AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
    AnchorDeltaY  => 46,
    ControlDeltaX => 0,
    ControlDeltaY => 46,
    AnchorDeltaX  => -32,
    AnchorDeltaY  => 32,
    ControlDeltaX => -32,
    ControlDeltaY => 32,
    AnchorDeltaX  => -46,
    AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
    ControlDeltaX => -46,
    ControlDeltaY => 0,
    AnchorDeltaX  => -32,
    AnchorDeltaY  => -32,
    ControlDeltaX => -32,
    ControlDeltaY => -32,
    AnchorDeltaX  => 0,
    AnchorDeltaY  => -46,
    ControlDeltaX => 0,
    ControlDeltaY => -46,
    AnchorDeltaX  => 32,
    AnchorDeltaY  => -32,
    ControlDeltaX => 32,
    ControlDeltaY => -32,
    AnchorDeltaX  => 46,
    AnchorDeltaY  => 0,
    ControlDeltaX => 46,
    ControlDeltaY => 0,
    AnchorDeltaX  => 32,
    AnchorDeltaY  => 32,
 ] ),
    SpriteID  => 6,
    FrameCount  => 1,
    ControlTags => $tagarray->new( [
     Flags  => 6,
     Depth  => 1,
     CharacterID => 5,
     Matrix => $matrix->new(
    ScaleX => 1,
    ScaleY => 1,
    RotateSkew0 => 0,
    RotateSkew1 => 0,
    TranslateX  => 0,
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   ] ),
    Flags  => 54,
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    Matrix => $matrix->new(
   ScaleX => 1,
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   RotateSkew0 => 0,
   RotateSkew1 => 0,
   TranslateX  => 7470,
   TranslateY  => -2000,
    Ratio => 1,
    Name  => "ball",

    SpriteID  => 7,
    FrameCount  => 25,
    ControlTags => $tagarray->new( [
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionEquals2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "A#11",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
 LocalLabel => "A",
    ] ),
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionRandomNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionRandomNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionEquals2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "A#24",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag   => 'ActionJump',
 BranchOffset => "B#9",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "A",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
 LocalLabel => "B",
    ] ),
     Name => "start",
     Name => "down",
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGreater',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "A#107",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionMultiply',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionEquals2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "B#24",
 Tag => 'ActionSetTarget',
 TargetName => "../",
 Tag => 'ActionGotoLabel',
 Label => "game over",
 Tag => 'ActionSetTarget',
 TargetName => "",
 Tag => 'ActionGotoFrame',
 LocalLabel => "B",
 Frame => 0,
 Tag => 'ActionPlay',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "A",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGreater',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionLess2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag => 'ActionOr',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "C#19",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "C",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
    ] ),
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionGotoFrame',
 Frame => 2,
 Tag => 'ActionPlay',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
    ] ),
     Name => "up",
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionMultiply',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionLess2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "A#24",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag   => 'ActionJump',
 BranchOffset => "B#9",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "A",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "B",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
    ] ),
     Name => "up2",
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGreater',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionLess2',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag => 'ActionOr',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "A#19",
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 LocalLabel => "A",
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionMultiply',
 Tag => 'ActionSubtract',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionAdd2',
 Tag => 'ActionSetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionToNumber',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGreater',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag => 'ActionNot',
 Tag   => 'ActionIf',
 BranchOffset => "B#6",
 Tag => 'ActionGotoFrame',
 Frame => 2,
 Tag => 'ActionPlay',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
 LocalLabel => "B",
    ] ),
     Actions => $actionarray->new( [
 Tag => 'ActionConstantPool',
 ConstantPool => $stringar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionPush',
 DataList => $actar->new( [
     ] ),
 Tag => 'ActionGetProperty',
 Tag => 'ActionSetVariable',
 Tag => 'ActionGotoFrame',
 Frame => 20,
 Tag => 'ActionPlay',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
    ] ),
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+ COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">score:</FONT></P>",
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+ COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">lives:</FONT></P>",
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    Depth => 5,
    Depth => 7,
    Depth => 8,
    Depth => 9,
    Depth => 10,
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    ] ),
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     DataList => $actar->new( [
    ] ),
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     Tag => 'ActionEnd',
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+ COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">Game Over</FONT></P>",
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    Leading => 40,
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    InitialText => "<P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Arial\" SIZE=\"22\"
+ COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">Restart</FONT></P>",
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+ COLOR=\"#FF0000\">Restart</FONT></P>",
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     Condition => 8,
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 Tag => 'ActionGotoFrame',
 Frame => 0,
 Tag => 'ActionPlay',
 Tag => 'ActionEnd',
    ] ),
   ] ),
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if ( $genhtml == 1 ) {

    open( PAGE, ">$gamename\.html" );

    print PAGE <<EOM;
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;  charset=">
<BODY bgcolor="$htmlcolor">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" id="$gamename" ALIGN="">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="$gamename\.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=h
+igh> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=$htmlcolor> <EMBED src="$gamename\.swf
+" quality=high bgcolor=$htmlcolor  WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" NAME="$
+gamename" ALIGN=""
 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromed"></EMBED>


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: plong - a pong clone with SWF::File
by Akira71 (Scribe) on Nov 23, 2004 at 21:56 UTC
    I am happy to see this as I have a friend who is always talking about MING on PHP. I never realized that there was a MING implementation in Perl although I should have known there would be.

    Your Perl is very clean and easy to look at. A quick scan suggest there might be ways to compact it some, but for an example it is nice. I like it.

    Thanks for showing it could be done. Now off to experiment on my mini vacation week.

    Akira Yamashita
Re: plong - a pong clone with SWF::File
by zentara (Archbishop) on Nov 24, 2004 at 16:22 UTC
    Nice!. Since you are playing around with SWF, maybe you could see if you can figure out how to play mp3's. All the php and c examples for Ming show mp3 play, but I couldn't get Perl to do it. It has something to do with the way the file gets opened and processed. The PhP code looks like this:
    // open the mp3 file $snd = fopen("boomb.mp3", "rb"); // add the mp3 to the movie $movie->streamMp3($snd); // close the mp3 file
    and I tried everything I could think of with Perl and streamMp3() just wouldn't take it.

    Anyways, just a thought(wish)if you are making examples for SWF and/or Ming.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh
Re: plong - a pong clone with SWF::File
by webfiend (Vicar) on Jan 11, 2005 at 04:40 UTC

    This is really awesome! I've managed to run it and skim through the code, but there's a lot going on. I imagine I'll be poking at this one example for quite a while :-)

    I know you're wanting to move on to Ming, but is there any chance you could take a brief glance at SWF::Builder?

      Thanks webfiend,

      I've been looking at SWF::Builder, which is actually some kind of wrapper for the SWF::File module IIRC.

      At the moment I'm developing a wrapper for flv, flashvideo. Check out my preliminary results at

      You might want to download the scripts there. They're messy but fully functioning. I still need to solve adding the flv metadata in the flv file though. Then it would be possible to fastforward/backward and use a slider.

      The metadata is actually a bit of AMF (action message format) and I'm hoping to use AMF::Perl for writing the metatags.

      Not being to great in editing binary data, I'll probably be busy hacking the module for a while. The fact that the documentation of the AMF format is almost non-existant and the module AMF::Perl has no function writing the data to a file makes it even more difficult.

      Then again, if it's finished it will be better then commercial products, and free. ;)

      any tips an hints are more then welcome.

      Blessed is the end user who expects nothing, for he/she will not be disappointed.
Re: plong - a pong clone with SWF::File
by belg4mit (Prior) on Nov 25, 2004 at 07:16 UTC
    What, no link to a working sample of the output?!

    I'm not belgian but I play one on TV.

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