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Re^2: XML::Simple Benchmarks with various backends

by leriksen (Curate)
on Nov 23, 2004 at 00:19 UTC ( [id://409773]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: XML::Simple Benchmarks with various backends
in thread XML::Simple Benchmarks with various backends

OK I added this one

  • XML::SAX::ExpatXS - a SAX event generator wrapped around Expat, quite possibly a closer binding than XML::SAX::Expat - 1.02

Extra code is

$backend = 'XML::SAX::ExpatXS'; my $xml_x_s_exs; { local $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} = $backend; $start = time(); $xml_x_s_exs = $xs->XMLin($XMLFile); $end = time(); } print_result($backend, $end, $start, $size); ... is_deeply($xml_default, $xml_x_s_exs);

New results are

[le6303@itdevtst perl]$ ./ bigxml.xml File bigxml.xml is 1730463 bytes XML::Simple with default backend took 12.7477 seconds. This equates to + 135747.5992 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::Parser backend took 3.5870 seconds. This equates + to 482431.8874 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::SAX::Expat backend took 13.7021 seconds. This eq +uates to 126292.1408 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::SAX::ExpatXS backend took 5.9447 seconds. This e +quates to 291093.0139 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) XML::Simple with XML::LibXML::SAX backend took 6.5013 seconds. This eq +uates to 266172.9123 kilobytes per second (1024 bytes per k) ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 1..4

So a good result, but the ol' original XML::Parser is still faster. ExpatXS may be a faster parser, but it may not be as effective as a SAX generator. More research is required - anyone, anyone...

I may get time on the weekend to try these with some more types of XML document e.g. one that references external entities (standalone="false"), large UUencoded binary blobs in CDATA sections, very small files etc

use brain;

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