in reply to Functional Programming & method rewriting

You made things more complicated than they need to be. Try this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; sub prefix_later { my ($just_once, $and_later) = @_; my $ct = 0; return sub { $and_later->(@_) if $ct++; $just_once->(@_); } } my $hi_mom = prefix_later( sub { print "You said: ", shift, "\n"; }, sub { print "You've already said: ", shift, "!\n"; } ); $hi_mom->("hi mom") for 1..3;
You said: hi mom You've already said: hi mom! You said: hi mom You've already said: hi mom! You said: hi mom
Why type more than you need to? And what where you doing with my (@args) = shift();?