in reply to NLP - natural language regex-collections?

Hi Eric. You might consider looking into Andrei Mikheev's article on text segmentation in Handbook of Computational Linguistics and the chapter on parsing in the same book.

If you can give me some concrete examples of what you are looking to do, I might be able to scare up some info for you. I have to say that regular expressions are often not the best way to deal with linguistic data. Perl is also a bit slow for heavy parsing and segmenting -- especially if you use Parse::RecDescent ;) -- but it's definitely a good place to start.

@INBOOK{mikheev2002text, chapter = {10}, pages = {201-218}, title = {Text Segmentation}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {2002}, editor = {Ruslan Mitkov}, author = {Andrei Mikheev}, address = {Oxford}, } @BOOK{mitkov2002handbook, title = {Handbook of Computational Linguistics}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = {2002}, editor = {Ruslan Mitkov}, }

Damon Allen Davison