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Free Nodelet Hack: RAT collapse all

by jZed (Prior)
on Oct 14, 2004 at 19:58 UTC ( [id://399316]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Free Nodelet freed

Add the code below to your free nodelet and you'll be able to toggle between collapse all and expand all in Recently Active Threads. You can collapse them all, then expand only the threads you are interested in with the (+/-) link for that thread. Collapse_all is very fast, Expand_all takes a moment or two.
<script language="javascript"><!-- var expandState="expanded"; function toggle_all(){ expandState = (expandState=='expanded') ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded' ; var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('ul'); var elnum; for(elnum=0;elnum<elements.length;elnum++){ var lb = "\x5B"; var rb = "\x5D" var el = eval("elements"+lb+"elnum"+rb); el.className = expandState; } } //--></script> <p> <a href="javascript:toggle_all()">Expand/Collapse All</a> </p>
Thanks cLive++ for the evil string eval.

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Free Nodelet Hack: Clear all Radio buttons
by jdporter (Paladin) on Oct 14, 2004 at 20:48 UTC
    If you add the following snippet to your Free Nodelet, you'll have a way to clear all the radiobuttons on the current page.
    <script language="javascript"><!-- function clear_all_radios(){ var lb = "\x5B"; var rb = "\x5D" var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var elnum; for(elnum=0;elnum<elements.length;elnum++){ var el = eval("elements"+lb+"elnum"+rb); if ( el.type == 'radio') { el.checked = false; } } } //--></script> <p><a href="javascript:clear_all_radios()">Clear All Radiobuttons</a>< +/p>

    Thanks to jZed for the parent node, upon which this code is based.

    See also: planetscape's Free Nodelet Hack: Check or Clear all "Delete" Message Checkboxes in Your Message Inbox

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