in reply to Murder of a Perl coder (announced)

I feel bad that I haven't had enough "toit"s to make a new WSDL generator. Sigh...

I hope your ventures into C# aren't as disappointing as you now seem to indicate. The plus side is that learning any new language gives increased insight, understanding, and proficiency in your existing languages.

Hope you find success...

my @a=qw(random brilliant braindead); print $a[rand(@a)];

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Re^2: Murder of a Perl coder (announced)
by Discipulus (Canon) on Oct 15, 2004 at 09:26 UTC
    Rhandom dont feel bad!

    we have time and when we'll have a new WSDL generator I'll wrap all my methods in a SOAP::Lite server.
    For now I try to find the 6th side of the pentagon.

    Thanks Lor*